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Are you cutting back?


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I truly feel that lot of so called"luxury items" will be the first to go now that most people are noticing the pinch. Gym memberships, sky subscriptions, days out in the car, all going to be cut back on. Even eating properly will be affcted to a large extent. Sadly I feel this is only the beginning too. Hate to be so downbeat but I have no alternatives. :(

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Maybe, just maybe, we will begin to waste less of our food, thus saving ourselves ?hundreds per year; if your not going to eat it by the use by date, don't buy it - might mean more trips to the local shops though (thus no petrol consumption) - yer never know, this could mean a comeback for the corner shop and the demise of the out of town super-market - here's hoping anyway. :wink:

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Absolutely correct Observer. The amount of food we used to waste was abhorrent but we have taken steps to avouid this, one of which is walking to the shops like my mum used to. That way you really do buy only what you need and cut right back on waste. We are lucky as we only live about a mile from an ASDA (sadly no local shops to choose from just the supermarket) but we have found that walking or getting the bus to the shops determines the way we purchase and must save us a fortune in unneeded purchases.

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In my semi-retirement I'm certainly watching the pennies which I think is a good thing.


Over the years we have become very compacent and as a nation certainly very wasteful.


Our children demand and expect so much these days and we have become a nation who live on the never never. Times are certainly getting tougher and we now have to tighten our belts up a bit, which are several sizes too big. The impact is not just in this country but GLOBAL.


I do feel sorry for the people who have save all their life and are now finding it difficult to cope on pensions that have either vanished through bad management by their former employers or are not inflation proof.


Hopefully we will emerge a leaner, fitter country.

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Sadly the only inflation proof pensions are the ones we all pay into for the public sector workers. Maybe if so much of my tax and contributions didn't go towards paying for someone elses retirement funds I would be able to think about not having to work for so long myself

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It shouldn't be my problem in any case Obs. I pay into my pension pot and have a few on the go which will hopefully get me out of this god forsaken country when I do decide to retire.


But why should I fund the fact that a copper can retire after 30 years and teachers and council workers can go at 55 and 60?

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I do feel sorry for the people who have save all their life and are now finding it difficult to cope on pensions that have either vanished through bad management by their former employers or are not inflation proof.



Or the effect of one G Brown's tax on pension funds......?100 billion I understand. :wink:

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What was interesting about the knock on effect of fuel prices, was the fact that it's impacting on Local Authorities who are having to consider savings or increases in Council Tax. :? Hang on a minute, so we might have to pay more Council Tax, in oder to allow the Council to pay fuel duty to central Government?! :shock: Doesn't that amount to a Tax increase by CENTRAL Government? :roll::wink:

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I do feel sorry for the people who have save all their life and are now finding it difficult to cope on pensions that have either vanished through bad management by their former employers or are not inflation proof.



Or the effect of one G Brown's tax on pension funds......?100 billion I understand. :wink:


So when you get in are you going to give it all back? Seeing as you seem to disagree with it so strongly.

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There isn't anything to give back PJ.... Brown and his Labour band of thieves have spent it all on NHS managers and sending troops to wars that no one seems to agree with....


If there was anything left of the 100 million he would be using it now to cut a few pence off the fuel duty in order to save his own neck.


Interestingly that after 10 years of "prudence" that there isn't anything left in the pot. Does that mean he was lying to us for all those years?? :lol:

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The three main Parties are locked together in the magic "centre ground"; leaving only spin and style to vote for. :shock: Our electoral system has boiled down to the whims of about 200,000 floating voters in marginal constituencies. :roll: Time to change the system perhaps? :wink:

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I do feel sorry for the people who have save all their life and are now finding it difficult to cope on pensions that have either vanished through bad management by their former employers or are not inflation proof.



Or the effect of one G Brown's tax on pension funds......?100 billion I understand. :wink:


So when you get in are you going to give it all back? Seeing as you seem to disagree with it so strongly.


The amount involved is simply too great, it is approx 20% of the Exchequer's annual income...or the cost of running the NHS for a year. As a pragmatist, we are where we are, so we will need to deal with the situation at the time of coming to office. Of course the problem of funding has now become worse over thelast year with the decline in the FTSE where most pension funds invest.


With regards to state sector employees pensions, I guess the terms will alter, maybe being based on a lifetime average income rather than final salary...understandably there will be some resistance from employees.

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Ha Ha... I wish I could get some of my lads to actually spend their own money and claim it back!


I've had lads travel back from the far side of Manchester to warrington to buy a packet of screws on trade accout rather than go 2 minutes up the road and spend ?2.50 in the nearest B&Q


Or on the rare occasion they do spend their own money I have had lads turn up at my house at 8 o'clock at night asking for the ?5.00 they had spent that afternoon on some batteries for a torch....

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