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Warming but to ULEZ


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Having just ordered a small fuel-efficient hybrid car, I was wondering how that would work out in one of these ULEZ areas given it’s got a 1.5 litre petrol engine? I was beginning to think I may have made a bad choice given the rate at which these zones are appearing. I was always under the impression that these areas were for electric and mega green cars only, but as it happens, it turns out that I’ll be ok.

Having heard all the reports about poor drivers not being able to replace their vehicle even with a £2000 scrappage grant, it’s easy to become critical of the scheme, but here’s the thing. My old Alfa is seventeen years old and has a relatively large 2.2 litre petrol engine and yet It turns out that that’s exempt. In fact, I think all petrol cars manufactured since 2005 are compliant.


Now to my way of thinking, any car that’s nearly twenty years old isn’t going to be worth much more than £2000 and most that age would be worth considerably less. So if you can get £2000 to scrap a car that’s only worth £500 then you’re quid’s in.  You’d certainly be able to pick up a very much newer and compliant car for that sort of money so no excuses. It looks like the only ones that might lose out with be those with smelly old diesels and they do need taking off the roads.

Overnight I’ve gone from thinking this is another instance where the green lobby are pushing too far and too fast at the expense of the public to now thinking it’s not a half bad idea. I don’t think it’ll do anything to solve the global warming problem but it should improve the air quality.


Bill 😊

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The sooner we recognise that ULEZ is merely a money making scam, designed to tax the poor, the sooner we can stop this net zero hysteria and start thinking rationally.  The majority of folk don't want EV's, who's production carbon dwarfs that of ICEs and who's intrinsic safety risks are being hidden from us.   😠

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