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High death rates ?

Observer II

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Seems the UK is recording higher than average death rates, and not just among the elderly and infirm.  But no one seems to be calling for an inquiry to find out why, not politicians, not the MSM, so what's going on ?    Some conspiracy theorists are blaming the covid vaccine,  what do you think ?     :unsure:

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it could be that some people don't want to admit there is anything wrong with them until it is too late to help them. be they young or old the usual reply is "i'm fine" and unless we can prove otherwise they have to be taken at their word.

in my opinion social media has a lot more to do to help people in that respect

of course some people will point to anything new and blame that. they will be blaming veganism next for the high death rate or electric cars. (one nearly got me the other day as i was about to get into my car. good job i glanced about before i opened the door, even cyclists make more noise than this did).


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It isn’t surprising and in fact this effect was predicted during Covid when much of the routine medical screening was curtailed. Add into the equation the effects of all the NHS strikes with appointment cancelations and ambulances that take hours longer to arrive and it’s amazing the figures aren’t even higher. That said, the same thing is happening in multiple countries, and they can’t all have industrial action in their health services.

Whatever the reason, I’m not going to lose any sleep over a slight statistical variation which when taken in context is negligible.


Bill 😊

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If the weekly increase in the death rate turned out to be 3% above the long-term average then most wouldn’t be surprised given what I said earlier. However, 169 extra deaths in a population of 55 million equates to an increase of just 0.000003% and considerably less if we discount the Covid deaths which are still occurring.

It’s interesting that we can detect such a change but in context it’s not exactly MSM headline material.


Bill 😊

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