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Starmer bemused -

Observer II

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Seems Starmer can't believe why Labour was rejected in the Uxbridge by-election, well it's simple Kier;  your not a "Leader" but a follower, without principles, willing to promise anything to get through the door to number 10.   His promises change almost weekly, followed by U-turns;  and his absence of a personality doesn't help.   The reality is, the Country is in a mess, with the Tories having squandered their 2019 support by not delivering on Brexit, failing on immigration and allowing the spread of wokeism, including the economic suicide of net-zero fantasy policies, which are injuring the indigenous working class.   So basically, voters have no confidence in any of the major parties, and are simply not bothering to vote.   So I guess it's back to the future, a pre 2019 hung parliament being dragged along by the global tide. Beam me up Scottie.       😠

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I’m no expert when it comes to politics, but it seems to me that the result there was due more to the imposition of the low emission zone heavily promoted by the Labour Mayor Sadiq Khan. Without that, the result there would probably have been the same as the other places.


Bill 😊

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With something as unpopular as this, I wonder what would happen if everyone simply ignored the system and completely refused to pay the charges? They could probably issue fines to everyone but again if nobody paid then they couldn’t send half the population of London to jail.

The way I see this whole thing with the ULEZ is that it’s too much stick and not enough carrots which is a bit bonkers because given time, there’ll be no option other than to own a none polluting vehicle. They can’t make electric cars fast enough and big sticks won’t change that.


Bill 😊

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The way I see it Bill;  the UK is responsible for 1% of global pollution levels, while China and India are still using coal producing up to 50%.  While the rich and famous jet around the globe virtue signalling,  the onus to pay the price of net-zero falls on the peasants.  The middle class nerds hysteria, takes no account of the necessary lifestyles of the workers who provide economic growth, from continuing to do so, so leaving us with the prospect of economic collapse and deindustrialisation, while the wealthy buy their EVs from China, and they currently have fields full of bran new EVs rusting away.   We need cheap energy to succeed economically and that energy needs to be sourced within the UK;  so closure of mines and oil fields, before we can transfer to nuclear and other green alternatives is suicidal, Germany leads the way in this self harm.   If they are serious about us using less energy, then the emphasis should be on insulating homes to reduce user costs.  As we near 2030, they are discovering that even EVs cause pollution through tyre wear, while young Africans mine the metals for the batteries.  This headlong dash to net zero will prove distasterous for us, but no doubt the elite will escape to tropical islands to breath their clean air, while the peasants cough up the money and blood to pay for it.    😠

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was reading that some "experts" in wales have concluded that owning tropical fish can up your carbon footprint due to the constant use of pumps and heaters to maintain them also the gallons of water needed to clean them out on a regular basis.

totally bonkers doesn't really cover it. i eagerly await what will be the next "bad for the environment" item.

be that way soon the on;y pet you will allowed to own is a pet rock.....🤦‍♂️

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Urmmm. That’s odd, I thought I heard yesterday that Sadiq Khan was taking another look at the ULEZ in light of what was clearly a threat to his political future following a telling off from his boss. 

It didn’t sound much like Labour was quite so keen to see this sort of thing being expanded.


Bill 😊

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They are now being funded by Just Stop Oil, and with their activists being eco nerds, that's there direction of travel; Plus Starmer is fully signed up to the WEF; so we can expect farm closures and food (meat) shortages.  Khan is still pursuing ULEZ  and so are many Councils in the UK.    😠

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Heard an interesting comment on tv this morning. An activist who was saying how dangerous the air was in her town was asked “If it’s that bad, why don’t you wear a mask then like they do in China?” She said that she shouldn’t have to do that, to which the interviewer replied. “I shouldn’t have to pay £12.50 a day because someone like you can’t be bothered to protect yourself.” 😄

Good point I thought!


Bill 😊

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