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Scottish Independence?


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Can't quite follow this nonesense about Scottish Independence, that Brown and Alexander have got themselves into a muddle over? :? The 1707 Act of Union, agreed by the English and Scots Parliaments, and confirmed by the British (UK) Parliament; would have to be repealed by the UK Parliament, in order for Scotland to be given their Independence - which clearly won't happen. :shock: So what's the problem? :roll: Assuming the Scots wanted a referendum, what majority would be required for such a major constitutional change? :? At least a two-thirds majority would normally be expected - so again that won't happen. :roll: So although Alex Salmond seems to be doing a great job, the idea of Independence is clearly a non-starter - we can forget about. :wink:

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They only want independance so they can grab all the Euro handouts that the likes of Ireland and Greece got their hands on. It would be a no win for England because we would still be funding them anyway!!

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Notice your boss Wavy Davy, has been to Scotland, promising to scrap the Barnet Formula governing the allocation of Government Grants to Local Councils. :? He is considering a "needs based" formula, which should provide Scotland with even more hand-outs than they currently receive. :roll: A case of Saul's vision on the road to Damascus, or just a cheap cynical attempt to start getting Tories elected north of the border?! :wink:

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Tongue in cheek or not, citing Rangers fans as justification for separating from Scotland are beneath a true Tory and indeed the whole discussion proves you fellas are no better or worse than Unionists and Nationalists over here. This will particularly be a source of irritation as I am sure you always like to think you are so much better. As if! :wink::P


And judging all the Scots by a minority of Rangers fans, tsk tsk tsk

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