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Ukraine con -


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The hypocrisy of Western politicians, backed up by biased TV news reporting, knows no bounds it seems.  Corrupt he may be, but the ousted President was democratically elected; and could have been legitimately forced out by popular vote at next year's elections, if any respect for democracy exists. But no, we had protest marches by a minority of the population, egged on by Western politicians. Then when the pro-Russian majority in the East and Crimea woke up, and Putin decided to resist the coup; we had the ultimate hypocrisy of Western politicians talking about "territorial integrity". Excuse me, but what about the "territorial integrity" of Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet more, don't do as we do, do as we say, from Washington and London ... and the EU.  

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Errm, "voted in" it is Kije; no need to try and qualify it.  How many UK PMs have operated without a specific mandate (Blair's Wars) or without a specific manifesto commitment (like closing our mines and industries)?  Oh, and how many referendums have the EU held, only to renege on the outcomes that didn't suit? No we've got a minority of pro-EU, non-Russian speakers in the N/W of the Country and around Kiev, who assumed they could dictate policy from the street. Granted their political class (mainly oligarchs) are by nature corrupt, it's no surprise their electorate is cynical; but you get what you vote for - that's why we're still in the EU!.

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He also changed Ukraine from a parliamentary democracy to a Presidential democracy, He did not have the mandate or the power to do so. he changed the rules, the equivalent here would be the Queen taking back power, I am sure people would take to the streets if that happened Obs, you should post the whole story not just part. I am in no way advocating that the West should send in troops, we would not anyway as America only goes to War with third World Armies :lol:

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Any unconstitutional actions could have been challenged through the courts, then through demonstration - but no; the trigger that upset the Kiev middle-class was the prospect of not joining the EU and receiving cash handouts; plus the attraction of moving to the UK for "a better life".  Not only won't "the West" challenge the Russians militarily; but will step warily as the EU depend on Russian gas; and the City of London on Russian money - so a whole can of worms there !  Simplest solution: the ex-Nazi collaborators of the N/West, break off and join the new Festung  EUropa; while the Russian speaking East and Crimea re-join the Russian Federation - sorted.

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Tensions have been high for a long time between the Ukrainians and the ethnic Russians, things heated up when the Ukrainians tried to make all schools teach in Ukrainian, the EU was just the last in a long line Obs, I thought you thought of yourself as well informed

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