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Rules of engagement?


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Thought the point of sending armed military personel into a warzone, was to kill the enemy? Having watched documentaries of WW2 fighting against the Japanese, no quarter was asked or given and very few prisoners taken. But it seems today's squaddies have to watch their backs, while fighting to their front.

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This country never ceases to amaze me, the Taliban may carry out any barbaric treatment they wish against our lads when they take them prisoner yet we are bound by the rules of engagement and must treat these dogs with kid gloves, I'm sure many will disagree with me when I say the marine sergeant at worst should loose his stripes, to jail him is an insult to all those brave men and women who have given their lives over there.

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We can all object if we want to. I certainly do..... the bloke was already as good as dead and just like a dying dog; they put it out of its misery.... he had been fired at with 136 30mm helicopter cannon shells and hit by a good number of them too from what I read......


The Marine should have got a promotion

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If you take the sentiment and obvious sensitivity of the timing of this situation out of the equation you really do have to question how a marine managed to get three stripes on his arm despite being stupid enough to execute an injured enemy prisoner whilst recording it all on camera. 

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At the end of the day he was wrong but this isn't the answer,these guys see so much Horror and are so frustrated at not being able to retaliate but doing what he did was wrong...
We are not Taliban and should not stoop down to their level no matter what..

Do you know they can watch the Taliban planting IEDs and cant open fire on them unless they are are attacking or are an immediate danger to other Soldiers that's their rules of engagement.. you can see them planting IEDs and you know you cant do nothing to stop them and they know it as well...

I think Dishonorable Discharge would of been enough...


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At the end of the day he was wrong but this isn't the answer,these guys see so much Horror and are so frustrated at not being able to retaliate but doing what he did was wrong...

We are not Taliban and should not stoop down to their level no matter what..


Do you know they can watch the Taliban planting IEDs and cant open fire on them unless they are are attacking or are an immediate danger to other Soldiers that's their rules of engagement.. you can see them planting IEDs and you know you cant do nothing to stop them and they know it as well...


I think Dishonorable Discharge would of been enough...



I agree

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The Top brass have to say that to save face and hopefully to deter anyone else doing anything like that in the future..but i would still hope that they do speak out even if its unofficial.. anyone who has been under fire will know your adrenalin goes sky high and over a long period of time it will no doubt cause you to make bad decisions..


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In my opinion Steve is right, in a battlefield situation, where as he says the adrenalin is flowing far greater than any of us have ever experienced, this soldier who has been charged had probably been in a prolonged firefight and who knows perhaps lost mates or seen them crippled by an IED and when coming face to face with his enemy, the hatred that he was experiencing at that moment in time prompted him to carry out the execution, how many of us would have shown compassion to someone who we know would definitely not have shown compassion for our lads in the same situation and would more than likely have done far worse before executing them.

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