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A Warrington Bus Ride, early 1990's.


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That was fantastic! Pity it didn't carry on a bit longer and get to Fearnhead Lane! I used to work at Ceeco on Padgate Lane and in the King and Queen around this time. My Dad also used to work at the Mobil garage opposite Ceeco. Fantastic to see the area as I remember it.


And just how long did it take that women to get on the bus on Manchester Road? What was she doing? Paying in pennies?!

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I forgot to mention that Warrington Museum have a e-book called 'When the Siren Sounds' which is quite good if your mum's not already seen it.  It's local people's memories of WW2.


You don't have to download it or anything it just opens from this link http://www.warringtonmuseum.co.uk/files/2012/12/When%20the%20Siren%20Sounds.pdf

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