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Warrington Peeps in the Past 1960-1980.


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Thanks Bill, I would like that, I need to get myself sorted as I'm going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment an old problem raised it's nasty head starting last Sunday (Harry will wonder what the heck I'm talking about as I saw him on Saturday and I was perfectly OK), perhaps get Christmas out of the way and get myself sorted and then we'll meet up as you suggest and have a pint. :wink:

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Crikey Algy what germs has Harry got and can they get caught by simply reading his posts too :shock::wink::lol:


Only kidding of course and I hope you feel better soon x


I've just watched both your latest uploads too and they are superb and thank you so much for spending so much more time to upload them for us all to see.


PS is anyone invited to yours and Bill's get together as I'd like to buy you a few pints too and I also owe Bill some for his kindness with the lovely 3 piece that my dad now has.


OK so there is an ulterior motive and I will of course have my camera with me and will upload pics of you both when you both get a little merry 8):lol:


If I'm allowed to come I wonder if I should bring my dad too... best not eh Bill :wink::lol:

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Yes that would be nice. I’m not that sparkling myself at the moment due to a sinus infection that I’ve had for five weeks now. I’ve got constant pain round my nose and eyes and absolutely no sense of smell or taste so you’ll be in good company.


Bill :)

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We may all be grumpy old men these days but not that grumpy that we wouldn’t buy a lady a pint! I don’t know what non real c's are btw so I just hope they’re not catching??? :D



It’s been a while since I’ve been down to the ham radio club so tonight being a Tuesday might be a good night to rectify that and pay a visit to my old friends. When I moved to the area, I ended up right next to Eric G8XVJ but he’s moved since then but only into the next road (next to Dizz’s mother in law I think) I’ve not seen anyone else I know around the area.


Bill :)

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Well I certainly enjoyed meeting some of my old friends tonight and thanks again to “Reader” for the invite. It’s amazing how after so many years, they still remembered it was my turn to get a round of drinks in. :shock:


I’ve been a member of the local radio society since I was about fifteen and over the years I’ve had a lot of enjoyment from a hobby that ultimately turned into a profession. I’ve been arm twisted to go back next month to give a short talk summarising my forty five years in the communication business in as many minutes but I’ve warned them they may need a hooked stick to drag me off once I get rambling on.


Bill :)

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Well I certainly enjoyed meeting some of my old friends tonight and thanks again to “Reader” for the invite. It’s amazing how after so many years, they still remembered it was my turn to get a round of drinks in. :shock:


I’ve been a member of the local radio society since I was about fifteen and over the years I’ve had a lot of enjoyment from a hobby that ultimately turned into a profession. I’ve been arm twisted to go back next month to give a short talk summarising my forty five years in the communication business in as many minutes but I’ve warned them they may need a hooked stick to drag me off once I get rambling on.


Bill :)

Great to hear that you met so many of your old mates Bill and had a good evening out, I know from experience it's so easy to lose contact with old friends and acquaintances, especially as you get older and on the cold dark nights when it's easier to sit at home in the warmth than get ready and toddle off down to your local, that is if it still exists!.

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You should have been in the club (GYCA) algy, Bill bought a round

Flippin' eck! mate, I thought you were talking about another Radio Ham Club near where Bill lives I didn't realise you meant our Community Centre Club, if you came in off the A50 and along Bellhouse Lane you would have passed my back garden fence, as it happens I couldn't have had a drink as I'm on medication at the moment but would have at least shown my face to say Hello!, sorry I missed you lads.


PS. I used to talk to big Maurice I think his name was, before your meeting started but sadly I think he passed away. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Algy:  Thanks so much for posting part 1 of Warrington Peeps in the Past.  You have no idea how lovely it was to see my great grandmother and an old neighbour from Gaskell street, during the Coronation parade in Stockton Heath.  She is sitting in the middle at 25:49 and the neighbour is just 2 over from her right.  You can imagine my surprise.  I lived with my grandmother for 3 years whilst growing up so was especially close to her.  I live in Toronto now, but go back frequently to the UK and Stockton Heath will always be close to my heart.  I went to school at St. Thomas' and lived on Grice street with my grandmother and then later on Gaskell Street with my mother and father. I love history and family research and find this history section of the Warrington forum extremely interesting, due in  a large part to your contributions. Thanks so much!

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