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Money Saving Mayor


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The above is a headline in Octobers Warrington World-Wide. It refers to the recent acquisition (September 2011)of a new motor for their worships. The car in question is an Audi A8. The base price of an A8 is £56,000 (ref Audi .com)

and replaces a Jaguar and is justified on the basis of civic pride and an estimated £23,000 saving in operations cost over the next 3 years.


Does the Town own this car or is it leased ? How much taxpayers cash actually went across the counter ?

It's fine to say how much money is being saved but until WBC come across with the numbers it looks like the Good Old Boys are back in the Town Hall

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Hello Boris

We can confirm that the new mayoral car is not owned by the council, but is leased under a fleet agreement.


It's on a three-year deal and taking account of all running costs etc, the effect will be to more than halve the cost of running the mayoral vehicle over that period, compared to the previous agreement in place for the Jaguar. In addition, because it's a newer, more fuel-efficient vehicle, it will be considerably more environmentally friendly - and we're making it even greener by introducing waterless car shampoo when cleaning the car which will save hundreds of litres of water.


It's also fair to say that we're keen to find other ways to make sure all our services, including the civic office and mayoralty, are as cost-effective as possible and this cheaper vehicle has been introduced in response to feedback and suggestions from residents as part of last year's budget consultation. This autumn, we'll be asking people to contribute again their ideas and views on what more the council could do to save money so we'd be happy to hear from you if there's more you think we could, or should, be doing.


I hope this answers your question. Thanks.

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Hello Boris

We can confirm that the new mayoral car is not owned by the council, but is leased under a fleet agreement.


It's on a three-year deal and taking account of all running costs etc, the effect will be to more than halve the cost of running the mayoral vehicle over that period, compared to the previous agreement in place for the Jaguar. In addition, because it's a newer, more fuel-efficient vehicle, it will be considerably more environmentally friendly - and we're making it even greener by introducing waterless car shampoo when cleaning the car which will save hundreds of litres of water.



I hope this answers your question. Thanks.



You response doesn't actually give any more information than the press release in the Warrington World-Wide. I guessed that the vehicle would be leased but you will need to pad out the scant information provided so far if you hope to persuade CTP's (that's council tax payers) that it's value for money. To save £23,000 in only three years is hard to believe.


For instance, how much doea it actually cost for the Mayors limo ?

How many miles a year does he actually travel, Does anyone else have access to this vehicle ?

whicj model is it, diesel or petrol ?

Does the cost include the salary of a chauffeur, is he WBC staff or contract ?

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boris, you're nit picking now.


If you want to go down that route, the question should be "do we need a mayor?"


It actually brings some credibility to a town of this size, to have one.


There are a lot of other places to save money, so find them and attack them!!! :roll:

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boris, you're nit picking now.


If you want to go down that route, the question should be "do we need a mayor?"


It actually brings some credibility to a town of this size, to have one.


There are a lot of other places to save money, so find them and attack them!!! :roll:


I feel Civic pride is laudible but should not be immune from scrutiny! Perhaps Cleopatra's suggestion their worships should should arrive by tandem is a bit severe. However a black cab entrance might show the voters that WBC's value for Money Dept is still on the job !!!!

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Let me get this straight, we're in a recession, austerity measures are hurting the masses and yet the mayor sees fit to burn 56k on an A6, there are two of them in it plus the driver, get rid of the driver and get yourself an R8... Sorted


But seriously I don't see the need for the extravagance of an A6 or a driver, if it's down to booze, it's economically more viable to hire a limousine (Taxi to the rest of us) that's what private businesses do, and for engagements sin alcohol why not drive himself?


Last question - Is the Mayor, shall we say on the wide size? why couldn't they fit in an A4





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