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Which Town team will turn up?


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I wonder which Warrington Town team will turn up at Runcorn in the Cheshire Cup on Tuesday?

The one which played so well at Bamber Bridge in the FA Cup or the one which performed so badly at Garforth in the league.

Apparently it was the same starting eleven for both games?!!!

Tuesday won 4-0 Saturday lost 6-0?

Will it be the same eleven again at Runcorn or will the manager ring the changes ahead of the fA Cup trip to Bradford on Saturday.

Personally I think the same eleven players should be given the chance to prove they are worth the shirt.

If they can't respond positively time to get rid.

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I think Joey will make some changes for this game, introducing some fresh blood which should liven things, and make the players play for their places for next Saturday. As one of the loyal fans who travelled yesterday, yes it was not good enough, and the players and management have acknowledged that.

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What I can't understand, is where is their pride? Their pride as footballers? They are as good as any of the other teams,( as they were last season) but since they realised that they weren't going to make the play-offs last season, they just gave up and went through the motions, as they seem to be doing this season.

Once you take your foot off the gas, it is very hard to get up to speed again.


Do the players realise just how bad it is for the Supporters who pay a fair amount of money to attend the matches and the Directors who put a lot of money and time into the club only to be let down?

The playing side say that they appreciate the support from the fans, but do they expect those fans to keep attending with this seasons results?

And without results, how are the club going to get more fans to generate more income to move forward? :roll: :roll: :roll:

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Well said PeterT.


But what you said about the paying fans was a bit off. The season tickets were the price of 10 games all-round, so that means after mid-november the club will not be making any money from our proper fans, so we can go swanning off whenever we want. (But if I go swanning off, you lose 7 loyal paying fans, so watch it :wink:)


However, if the ones who pay for every game without a ST give up (Hursty97, for example...) at any point, the club starts to lose money and goes downhill from there.


If we can turn the form we have had all season around, we keep our paying fans and keep the atmosphere which gives us an edge, as well as the £££.


Maybe let Rugby ST holders in for cheaper? Make a profit, boost attendances as the word spreads and helps us go up the ladder.


...Why am I even writing this?


Anyway, I saw the highlights on Youtube...

What the hell. Our defence was absolutely SHOCKING. That last goal was just poor defending. 3 Players fell over and 2 just made rubbish tackles, IIRC (Can't watch ATM). I'd rather buy a Man City top with Hargreaves on the back along with Leeds United/Leeds Rhinos Season tickets than turn up next Tuesday(?) and watch another performance like that from the back 4. Oldfield looked slightly better, still flopped around from corners and conceded six, but his attempt to save the first goal was alright.


Finlay looked alright. When was he sent off? (Going off Youtube highlights here...)


Give this 11 ONE last chance on Saturday before a reshuffle, I think. Hopefully Pritchard will be back by then, and he would be where I'd start a reshuffle. Then look for a striker, a centerback, Lionel Messi and Luis Nani, we'd be fine.

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WW97. They are a good bunch of players who can beat most teams on their day. They just need to turn up and play as a "TEAM" and remember the basics.


But if you look at it judging on previous results, who those results have been against, position in the table and general momentum, we are going to get hammered. I can understand your point though.

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A decent enough team actually. Runcorn werent much, but the scoreline flattered them. Good movement up front and in the middle of the park. Only the woodwork and the Runcorn keeper kept them in it.


Its a big ask on Saturday but its the FA cup and i'm up for an upset


and nice to put face to name at long last! Sherlock Skentelbery! :wink:

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