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Defence Review?


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We supposed to be having a Strategic Defence Review; which in theory, is a full scale analysis of future threats to our security and the provision of adequate assets to meet such probabilities. However, judging by Liam Fox's appeal to the PM, it appears the slash and burn of idealogical Tory cuts, are being solely driven by fiscal considerations. Perhaps they could start with abandoning our so call " independent" nuclear deterent, which isn't really independent of the US anyway, and perhaps bring our boys home from Afghanistan, if they want to save a few bob. :?

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Why don't we have a thinking review. In my time we have been engaged in about 10 or more individual conflicts.


Would it not be better to be a big fish in a smaller pool rather than the other way about?. We seem to WANT to get involved in disputes and in doing so breed enemies and resentment.


Just a thought.


Happy days

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Why don't we have a thinking review. In my time we have been engaged in about 10 or more individual conflicts.


Would it not be better to be a big fish in a smaller pool rather than the other way about?. We seem to WANT to get involved in disputes and in doing so breed enemies and resentment.


Just a thought.


Happy days


You be careful. That's bordering on common sense and could incur the wrath of the politicians. :shock:

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That's the problem H, little "thinking" has been done in the past; Bliar went charging off into the sunset, following Bush into ill thought out Crusades, that in turn have alienated every Muslim on the planet. The problem of course is, that every Muslim is no longer "over there"; they're over here too. And allowed by successive liberal Governments to retain their cultural heritage, in the name of "diversity"; have been allowed to harbour and propagate radicalism in our own back yard. :roll:

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Obviously, you don't monitor recent history or the statement to the Iraq Inquiry by the then head of MI6, The biggest threat to the UK at the moment, comes from inside it - either from Catholic Irish nutters or Muslim nutters - all a product of faith schools and so called cultural diversity. :roll:

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Are Intelligence at the time was little better than the Americans, Didn't Mr Kelly commit suicide. My point again as you both seem to have missed it is, Obsever is and was against the War in Iraq, But now the intelligence for such as it is, is telling him something he wants to hear, he is all over it like a rash. In my book that makes him at least as bad as Mr Blair, who it could be said did the same thing. He only hears what he wont's to hear and dismisses everything else :wink:

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The Head of MI6 spoke in hindsight, and thus presumably kept closer to the truth. The truth was, that the "intelligence" prior to the invasion was sketchy to say the least, and anyone with a modicum of IQ, wouldn't have swallowed the Iraqi missile hitting Cyprus in 45 minutes scam (read my post at the time!). Both Kelly and Blix were reporting NO WMDs, but that wasn't what Bliar wanted to hear, as he'd (allegedly) already agreed to regime change at a meeting at Bush's Ranch. SO - the intelligence wasn't conclusive, and didn't pretend to be; it was Tory Tony who sexed it up - and Joe Public fell for it. As for "the threat", all our security services believe it to be primary internal. :roll:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems the top for "threats" identified in the Defence Review are - Terrorism - Cyber attack - Pandemics - and some major international conflict. Whilst these tier one assumptions appear reasonably rational, there is no diguising the real motivation (IE cost cutting) behind them. However, assuming they really want to save money, could anyone explain how a Trident Nuclear capability helps in those tier one cases? :?

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Seems the 'Grusome Twosome' have just scrapped the HMS Ark Royal, and its fleet of Harrier jets "with immediate effect" to save money with the priority on defence now being put on cyber attacks instead :?


So that apparently leaves us without an aircraft carrier capable of flying jets for around 10 years while two new vessels are built at a cost of ?5.2 billion.


OK !?!

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