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War on drugs?


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The Government have announced plans to stop benefits to drug users - fine. BUT, won't users resort to crime to feed their habit? And if we bang them them all up in prison, where they can apparently get a steady supply of drugs, will we have enough prison space? Is it the case, that there is now so much money involved, that we are losing "the war on drugs"; EG; Mexico has reached a point of almost civil war, fed by arms supplies and drug money from the USA. Afghanistan farmers appear to get more from producing poppy crops than food. So is it time to legalise drugs, and like fags; just tax 'em to death and stop folk using in enclosed public spaces? :?:wink:

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Surely the cost in later life of repairing these bodies will far outweigh the tax taken


I agree Peter, But are we not repairing bodies now, and getting absolutely nothing back. It is a long way off a solution. But the war is lost and a least if the drugs are clean and governed it would lesson the deaths, and help to cut criminality out :!:

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I can see your point silverlady but maybe the shock of having your benefits stopped completely (with the threat of having no money or anything else) would be more of an incentive to get off the demon drugs in the first place. Saying that I have never taken drugs and would imagine that many with a real addiction simply wouldn't care anyway :cry:


The other problem with stopping benefits is that many may turn to crime to pay for their addiction :?:shock:


I'm a bit split on this one as it's great when you hear about someone turning there lives around but for every one that does there are hundreds that don't.


I'm sure an awful lot of our money is wasted on people who 'say' they want to give up when faced with an ultimatum but have no real intention of doing so or those who take help only to revert straight back to taking them again when the support is no longer there.


Not nice to say I know but sadly it's true.

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The war on drugs is one that can never be won. Decriminalising most of them would save shedloads in police time and costs and would reduce crime dramatically.


There are other arguments in favour of decriminalisation, but you don't really need them.


For anyone who can be bothered, here's an old piece of proper journalism which pretty much sums up my stance on this issue:


http://tinyurl.com/cpnvhj (Graun)


The only reason most drugs are illegal is that it's a vote winner.

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Legalising drugs is the only rational solution. They've tried it in Portugal I beliwve, with some success. It is madness the amount of police and court time and money that is tied up prosecuting people who are just going to carry on with the habit afterwards anyway :wink::wink:

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Take a look around Peter, The war on drugs was lost along time ago, no one in power has the guts to admit it, so we send good money after bad.


Why are we spending millions on a policy that even most of the Police say is fruitless, You seem to be against it just because it comes from abroad :!::?:

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Why would anything that happens abroad work in this country?


Why should it not? People are people, after all.


My personal experience of the 24 hour licence is that it has made going for a pint a bit more civilised, I don't go into town much though.


Could be a good thread this.

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Take a look around Peter, The war on drugs was lost along time ago, no one in power has the guts to admit it, so we send good money after bad.


Why are we spending millions on a policy that even most of the Police say is fruitless, You seem to be against it just because it comes from abroad :!::?:


NO!!!!. Not because it's from abroad.

I just think that the English mentality is on a different planet to the rest of the world, and has to be treated differently. Lager louts being a quick example.

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