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The case of two 10yr old boys, who allegedley "attempted" to rape a 6yr old girl; has gone through the judicial system. The boys will now be entered on the sex offender's register and "a team" of "experts" will be set up to advise on their punishment/rehabilitation. Now aside from inflating the enormity of the "attempted" crime, just how much ? has all this cost? Surely, it would have been cheaper, and the lesson forever printed on the minds of these boys, if their fathers had given them a good hiding? Ooops forgot: not allowed to smack kids anymore, and they probably havn't got a father at home anyway! :roll:

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I don't agree, this is a very serious crime. We too frequently hear of horrors that children commit on other children.


If this first stage had been successful they may have then sought to hide their crime and the only way this could have been achieved would be the murder of this poor girl as I am of the opinion that sexually motivated murders is not for the thrill of murder but to hide the original crime by eradicating witnesses (as I don't think 99.9% of them are psychopathic murderers which is a different kettle of fish). It is why when I hear or suspect a child abduction I wish there was some way of getting the child back safely as being more important than the apprehension of the criminal better they go free than kill the child or any other victim for that matter.


I do not for one moment think that these boys are bad by nature but have lived in an environment of power and violence provides a means of gaining a desired outcome, which suggest that their parents may not be the role models that gain the respect of their children, a good hiding would only reinforce this inbred belief.


As for the costs involved I would happily pay my entire earnings for a year if I knew this meant no child would suffer this heinous atrocity for that year, and again the year later.


They need to be taken away, and brought up better while they are still of an age where a correct upbringing could save themselves and others.

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Oh I don't beleive thats wat you think my commenst meant I credit you with being a thinking person.


As I said this is a very serious crime which I think they should be detained for at least eight years, meanwhile they should get reconditionioning.

They should both know that they are being punished but also get some possitive reward for possitive actions which I feel that they may have not previously experienced.

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Good post Legion, nothing in their a cannot agree with :!:


You scottish tonight Lt and yer spelling gettin' even worse lad :P


I do agree with what you say Legion.. the only problem is that the likes of Venables proves that the so called 'system' for kids who commit serious crimes does not always work :?

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Be interested in the cost of your approach Lege; they intend to employ a team of psycologists etc for these two lads, following an expensive court trial - think if we times this by the number of similar cases that don't get this far, it could bankcrupt the criminal justice system! :roll:

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  • 2 weeks later...

call my doctors surgery for an appointment and say that i want to see a doctor. "witch doctor" they ask. "if that is all that is available then ok".


last time i called them and asked to see a doctor they said "dr who" i replied "if he is available" they gave an appointment for three days before i phoned :?

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But back to Obs original post: I wouldn't be sticking a word in except that last night my grandson asked me about CLOCKWORK ORANGE, and I had to say it's about bad boys, brutal, raping, murdering savages, who are taken into custody for rehabilitation and... released back into society as cured. But I forget if Kubrick intended us to favor rehab or what. I think not.


I'm beginning to favor Obs cost benefit analysis. In an overpopulated world do we need to rehab at great expense such beasts?

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