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Interesting to see that the EU has decided to use the same methods previously adopted by the former Soviet Union and that is to hoist unelected dictators onto its population. This man will earn ?320,000.00 a year and will also have a reserve fund of ?5,000,000.00 to use as and when the role expands and he requires additional funds.


The elected President of the USA doesn't earn that amount of money; so once again the EU has shown its true colours of being a club for the ruling elite lead by even more elites.


Mark my words when I say that the same fate that befell the eastern block and communism as a whole will happen to this corrupt eddifice that is the European Superstate.

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but this empire has started out with dishonorable intentions unlike most which start off OK and fall foul along the way




Which Empires in your opinion started out with good intent :lol::lol::lol::lol:



What did the Romans ever do for us :wink::lol::lol::lol::lol:





Roll on the Revolution. That will sort it out. :wink:

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Now you see the pro European Kije shying away from making any kind of sensible contribution to this thread because he cannot justify any of the outrageous expense that all this costs....


Please prove me wrong Kije and stick up for your beloved EU; because as it stands, there appears to be only you and the Labour and Tory and Lib Dems (but they dont count anyway) in the entire country who are in favour of the whole thing

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Do you really think that a few car jobs are that important? Rover counted for nothing. Woolworths (30,000 jobs) counted for nothing, if Nissan or whoever wanted to shut up shop they would do so


Now as for empire.... when the British empire was at its height, this country wanted for nothing. We had the best navy, the greatest armies and every country in the world wanted to trade with us. You seem to think that the only reason anyone would want to trade with the UK is because we are in the EU.... you are seriously delusional if the only benefit you can see from being in this corrupt organisation; is a few jobs in Sunderland.

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You said Empires start with good intent Baz :!:


The British Empire was good for Britain because we exploited the countries in the Empire. and any Country outside the Empire ie The Americans could not trade with the Empire without going though the UK first, in other words we stitched up trade within the Empire. Where is the good intent in that :?:

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The good intent is that the British Government were looking after the British people.... unlike this bunch of treacherous wastrels we have in power now who are primarily looking after themselves and have a total disregard for this country, its people and its history and traditions. They are giving away everything that this country has ever worked and strived for and surrendering it to a crowd of unelected foreigners


Saving a few jobs in Sunderland is not reason enough to do this and especially without the will of the people behind them

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You said Empires start with good intent Baz :!:


The British Empire was good for Britain because we exploited the countries in the Empire. and any Country outside the Empire ie The Americans could not trade with the Empire without going though the UK first, in other words we stitched up trade within the Empire. Where is the good intent in that :?:


Bit like the New Federal "Empire" of Europe.

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The good intent was the British Government was looking after the British people by exploiting all the over people in the Empire, is what you are saying Baz.



So you like to exploit Baz, but when you think you are being exploited that is wrong, well if its wrong now surly it was wrong then :!::wink:


Which is it Baz :?:

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Nobody said it was right what the British did but also remember that the Empire also brought a great deal of stability (much of it enforced true enough, but just what we are still doing in Irag and Afghanistan) The Empire also now enables many former citizens of the Empire to also come and settle both here and in other Empire states and countries (Just as your precious EU now affords)


You still don't see it though that the EU is just another Empire, just another dictatorship and just another soviet style edifice all in one package. It may be good for some member states because it gives them access to billions of dollars worth of aid that they would not get without membership, but to others it is a cash cow that soaks up all of our money for no benefits.


Where is the aid for Cumbria from the EU? After Greece had its forest fires, they got almost 90 million euros from the EU.


With regards to floods, the EU Solidarity Fund was set up in 2002 to help member states hit by natural disasters.


Since then, Germany has been given ?300million, Austria ?90million and the Czech Republic ?87million.


Hungary received ?10million and Bulgaria ?14million.


Even the USA was given money after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans.


So maybe they will let us have maybe ?20 so the cleaners can have a free cup of tea!

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:lol: Kyje, exploitation is the very nature of capitalist economics - and the EU is a capitalist enterprise - hence EU tariffs on non EU goods. Aside from the black hole of funds disappearing through political corruption; we have the utter nonesense of price hiking scams such as live meat being taken from the UK to European slaughter houses, then being returned as butchered meat - what's that all about?! :roll:
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