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Who will you vote for?


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Stop defending him expose him :!:


Oh for heavens sake; change the bloody record Kije. Are you so blind to what is happening in the country? This isn't just about racism. It is about lots of things that the mainstream parties have dropped the ball on and will not discuss anymore for fear of being branded as racist by the likes of you and yours because that is the only attack you have.


Yes he is a racist but it has gone beyond that. The BNP are now throwing the ball back into the ring now and causing discussion on immigration, on asylum seekers, on sovereignty. That is far more than the one trick pony that is UKIP


I am not defending him or his party, I am pointing out that by just calling him a racist and trying to ban him from speaking causes more interest.


Look what happened years ago when the radio industry refused to acknowledge or play music by the sex Pistols; They got to number one in the singles and album charts because people wanted to know what the fuss was all about and went out and bought the records to make up their own minds and to stick two fingers up at what they saw as censorship and not liking being told what to listen to..


Once they had heard the band by buying the music, most didn't like it and they never had another number one again after that and have now become old hat and acceptable.....


It is the same concept; the BNP have always been on the edge of politics with what most consider to be daft and outrageous views. Then someone lstens and hears the bit about immigration and likes it, someone else hears the bit about getting out of Europe and likes that and so on. Just like when someone votes Labour or tory... they don't like everything but way up how many pros and cons there are. The same happened when Griffin was elected. He said things that people liked. You may not like it, I may not like it; but some did and voted for him. What should happen now is that the people who voted for him find out that he isn't what they expected and they vote him out next time....... or his popularity grows even more ........ Appatrently he talks about whites being akin to the Aborigines in Austrailia on tonights show!! Make up your own mind

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Show me where I am supporting or making excuses for him you silly man...... I am pointing out factual points as raised by people interviewed in the media recently.


You accuse me of being a stuck record when the sum total of your inputs into the threads on the BNP add up to "you're a racist", "you're sticking up for him" and "you are making excuses for him".... regardless of who you are answering because that is your libDem, one track way of dealing with things


and just to correct you once again as you have done to me in another thread..... it is "their seats" not "there seats" when talking about something which is associated or belonging to someone or something.... oh, and what is with all the exclamation marks lately? Have you found another button to press?

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You're the one making excuses for them, and you say UKIP are a one issue party, I thought you would have bothered to read what else they stand for, as you would probably support it eg immigration. But no you choose to right them off and offer reasons to like the BNP.


Or have you read what UKIP want to do on immigration and found it does not go far enough for you. Hence your quasi support or should I say lack of disgust at the BNP and all it stands for :!::wink:

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But wouldn't driving out the white membership be racist? :?


We're creating a rainbow coloured party here to eliminate racists. Now admittedly at present any racist members of BNP would be white, but that's just a product of the white-only membership criteria. We're going to have a party that racists of every colour will avoid like the plague. Then we can all really focus on the important political issues, as Nick Griffiths wants us to. :D

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Think you'll find that was the main reason for being exclusive, to prevent wrecking enterism; still, as with many other organisations, membership selection will be rest with the existing membership. Having said that, it may surprise many wet liberals to discover that fear of immigration is shared by a sizeable nunber of ethbic minority groups, who have the sense to forsee the social consequences of continued unrestricted immigration. :?

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"exclusive" - excluding, not inclusive; excluding all others; tending to exclude others esp socially. (Oxford current English dictionary). :roll: "race" each of the major divisions of mankind with distinct inherited physical characteristics; the fact or concept of division into races. :roll:

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Certainly lacks atmosphere, and it's enclosed public enviroments would mean one couldn't smoke - thus you'd probably be at home there! :wink: Also, the view of our tiny earth, would no doubt massage your ego - you could really look down upon us! :lol:


:shock: Oy, oy, oy - I never objected to anyone smoking - before or after the ban. I took issue with opinions expressed on here that smoking anywhere you like is a basic human right, but not smoking isn't. I'd have taken just as much issue with someone who said smoking should be a criminal offence.

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