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Both RN Carriers, off the run !

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So much for NATO,  both our super expensive carriers failed to turn out for a  NATO exercise in the Atlantic.   These carriers were expected to provide far reach air cover for our military, and are provided with anti-missile systems such as gatlin guns, to form a shield.   Alas, they failed to account for a new generation of hyper sonic missile, which can't be stopped, thus making them virtually useless.  As for there aircraft, Russian anti-air systems are now so well organised, as to be almost inpenetrable to aircraft.   Sadly, our military chiefs keep preparing for the last war, instead of the next !     :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, Observer II said:

No doubt, compared to you, I would qualify as an "expert", but when you get the retiring Chief of Army Staff talking about a "citizen Army" and conscription, you have to wonder if the official experts are indeed experts.   😉

The only thing I would slightly agree with you on is the armed services need to be larger, there are other tasks for aircraft carriers, not all wars are world wars, most are actually local, like the Red Sea, you need to think bigger, and look at the whole World not just Russia, a war with Russia, would ultimately end in pressing buttons

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3 minutes ago, Observer II said:

The only use for carriers nowadays is for global reach of airpower, but if contested by anyone armed with hyper-sonic missiles, they represent just a huge target.   😉

How many Countries have them?????

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You couldn't make this up . We have borders that are leaking more than a sieve ,we have depleted protection from our armed forces & the mass debaters in Parliament are passing motions on ceasefire demands against Israel ,Hamas & sanctions against half a dozen Russians in Siberia.


The country is falling to bits ,hospitals ,schools, law & order ,public transport. We invite trouble onto our streets by allowing demonstrations from conflicting groups who would probably be arrested for taking such actions in their own countries. Meanwhile ,MPs fiddle while Rome burns.

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On 2/21/2024 at 4:04 PM, Observer II said:

Glad I'm not alone in seeing it Dave.  But will the great unwashed rise up against it,  and vote for reform ?   😠

Naaaa, I will not and never vote for a political party as far to the right as Reform!!!!!

A vote for Reform in reality just helps Labour, as Tory RIGHT WINGERS might be attracted, but no one else!!!

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At the recent bi-elections, the Labour vote didn't increase,  it was a low (less than 40%) turnout.   The reality is that the majority have no confidence in any of the main parties, the question is will the penny drop and they start voting for a Party that directly reflects their views.    :rolleyes:

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