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Hamas have a new best friend


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Following meetings with Hamas and Iran in Moscow recently Hamas have agreed to release 8 Russian hostages on a secret list. They say it may take time to locate them and they can't guarantee ... etc etc.

Well you can colour me surprised if they find that of the 8 they eventually decide to release there are more than two of them alive. Just enough to pretend that they did a favour for Russia but the problem was that the evil American backed Israel killed the others. If I were one of the Russian hostages I would be afraid that there might not be enough dead to get sufficient dead names on the list because Hamas would kill to get enough to meet the quota needed by Russia. Putin needs for there to be some Russians alive to use for internal propaganda but more dead to blame the West.

Times have just got even more dangerous!

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Well, with a demented old man in the White House, being egged on by a gang of deluded neo-cons, you should be worried.  Four carrier TFs in the middle east, ready for shock and awe on Iran, this is looking like the prelude to WW1, but we didn't learn anything.  As for Gaza, the levelling of Gaza has killed over 6,000 Arabs, but I doubt the IDF want to go in, as they know they will suffer major losses.  There's only two axis of evil here, the US and Israel, even the Israelis can't wait to get rid of Netanyanu and his right wing zionist cronies, But don't let the truth spoil your brainwashing, courtesy of the MSM.   😑

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Mixed up values:   I'm perplexed by the positions being adopted by both sides in the Gaza saga - on the one hand, Hamas has invaded Israel and killed over1500 Jews, to which the Jews have quite naturally decided to counter attack them in Gaza, that's what happens in war.  However, having committed the dasdardly deed. Hamas has retreated to shelter behind the Palastinian civilians in Gaza, thus making it almost impossible for the IDF to avoid civilian casualties. They then conduct the narrative war, with most of the World calling for a ceasefire, while the US vassals call for "humanitarian pauses", which presumably means pauses between sessions of genocide,. In the long run, the Israelis can't win this one, as with every example of genocide, the Arab world becomes further enraged.   Seems the US  and European vassals, and Israel are now politically isolated, and may soon be militarily isolated.   😢

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The man on Question time on Thursday caused consternation when he likened Israeli response to the Holocaust . I can't understand how a country whose people were abused in Europe 80+ years ago have so readily turned into oppressors & created ghettos to rival those which there ancestors endured in WW2.

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It merely demonstrates, that humans role play, depending on their relative positions.  There was a famous experiment, where two groups were placed together, the jailers and the prisoners, they interrogated the prisoners using (what they thought was electric shocks) and had no qualms about increasing the dial. The orthodox Jews believe themselves (as per the old testament), to be the chosen people, for the promised land, which excludes non jews, they want a greater Israel, free of non-Jews, and these are the people behind Netanyahu's Gov. Sadly, the majority of secular Jews would be content to live alongside the Arabs. The problem for Israel is, that in the past, they were able to take on their Arab opponents one at a time and were better organised and equiped.   That no longer the case, and the sight of a genocide in Gaza, is uniting the Moslem world as never before, too many for the 6million Jews to tackle.  The only question now is, if threatened with extinction, will the Jews use their atomic arsenal, and the answer to that is yes.   Turkey will use Pakistani nukes and it could all escalate into WW3.  💀

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