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American Civil War @ Walton Gardens


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Just came across this.... An American Civil War re-enactment this weekend at Walton Gardens (Fri 7th to Sunday 9th).


I've not seen it advertised anywhere and it's not on the council events calendar either.... so no idea if it's free or you have to pay.  Does anyone know ?




PS I know it should probably be in the events section but thought more people would see it here (as some may never venture out of their comfort zone sections)

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Thank you Wolfie.... but that's the same link I posted :lol:  :P


Algy, although its a public park they were charging aroung £4 ?  a person to get into the food festival the other weekend which is why we didn't go to that so I wondered if maybe they were charging for this too.


I'd just like to add that I realise that the Walton Gardens bods are trying to raise money to fund various things and I believe they are now also trying to restore the old greenhouses (glass houses?) and they have cleared out the years of overgrowth already so not knocking them for charging entrance on some things.... but in the case of the food festival it would have cost us £20 plus parking charges so it seemed rather expensive especially as we would have spent even more money on nibbles and food stuffs once we'd got in there too  :oops:  

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I've no idea Obs as I still can't find out if it's free to get in as no-one seems to know. 


I guess as it doesn't say otherwise on their web page it must be free then or a lot of people might be a tad frustrated :):wink: 


PS Plenty of car park space there as they have a huge overspill car park (field) at the side of the main car park :wink:

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:lol:  :lol:


Local community event and/or calendar event Gary so it doesn't count re your strict forum advertising rules 8)  :P


Hey... you are the roving reporter so can't you find out?  Ask what time it's all on during the day too please ha ha   

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