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Wakefield v Town on 23rd november

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Possibly because opinion (ususally negative) is often provided on most other things, so why not this?


"opinion usually negative"? obviously upsets some people. If comments were positive every time the team played poorly or didn't put their chances away, are fans supposed to say, "hard luck chaps"?


A bit like telling a banker that his obscene bonuses are ok, or telling the GovernmentS that they are doing a good job. :shock:

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How can factual be negative - thought you were one of the more intelligent ones on here?

If you check out the fixtures you will see it has been re-arranged for february :roll:


Stated as many of your comments seem more aimed at provoking a negative reaction rather than ever saying something constructive. It seems as though all you want is to stir up things. The impression given is you are glad when things don't go as well as we all hope for. You seem to revel in it. In the rest of us feelig disappointed and frustrated. The rest of us want to see a strong successful side. Maybe you have a hiden agenda? Who knows, you don't even give a clus as to your true identity (and before you cite my posting name it is not very hard to work out who I am). So how do you define your opinion as factual. It is your opinion, not necessarily fact. The snipe at my inteligence does rather enforce my theory somewhat.


Post over.

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Stated as many of your comments seem more aimed at provoking a negative reaction rather than ever saying something constructive. It seems as though all you want is to stir up things. The impression given is you are glad when things don't go as well as we all hope for. You seem to revel in it. In the rest of us feelig disappointed and frustrated. The rest of us want to see a strong successful side. Maybe you have a hiden agenda? Who knows, you don't even give a clus as to your true identity (and before you cite my posting name it is not very hard to work out who I am). So how do you define your opinion as factual. It is your opinion, not necessarily fact. The snipe at my inteligence does rather enforce my theory somewhat.


Post over.


FACT - the match has been re-arranged in February as stated on the club's own website.

FACT - Warrington Town are under achieving this season


I am not expressing an opinion I am expressing facts - I tried to credit you with intelligence and you see that as an insult. :oops:


Perhaps I am not totally correct on all my facts!


Oh and I am not alone in my so called "negative" comments - there are a fair few Town fans on here venting their spleens.

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Insider, there is criticism AND there is constructive criticism. Which do you prefer? :blink::shock:


Always constructive of course - I am trying to unite the few fans who post on here as they all seem like they are going to end up fighting amongst themselves BHTG

I challenge ALL to find a post from me which is factually incorrect.

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Always constructive of course - I am trying to unite the few fans who post on here as they all seem like they are going to end up fighting amongst themselves BHTG

I challenge ALL to find a post from me which is factually incorrect.

Of course I am not refering to a fixture change - how can that be an opinion. I am going back over many postings that as I said seem to show a sense of satisfaction when things don't work out for us. You give the impression that you want the club to struggle and fail, get some morbid sense of satisfaction from it (but don't affiliate youself to another rival club, although I don't know of any that want us to struggle particularly). Maybe you bear someone at the club a grudge, and on that score are very much in the minority, and no I don't have time or desire to trawl through old postings to provide evidence, but I do remember your name often crops up in the tough times apparently making the most of it, but far less when things go well.


I have followed and been involved with this club since the 80's through ups and downs, and although we are not as high up as we'd like to be this season, we are not fighting relegation and have seen major progress off the field, which in the longer term will reap its reward. Having waited as long then a bit longer won't harm. I'll still be here then with luck, and look forward to the day. I wonder if you do?



Now back to editing for Saturday and Tuesday.

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I think that fans and the team need to accept the fact, that the team will be criticised when they don't perform up to the expectations of the fans. The team set the bar at a level each season, and so it is understandable when the team doesn't progress.


I don't believe that it doesn't happen at other clubs. It is human nature, and par for the course.

I would also suggest that the comments on here are very muted.

Perhaps feathers should be ruffled by people asking who is going to replace Tommo and Evo for a start.

Given how last season died a death with games still to be won, and the dismal start to this season, is it any wonder that comments do get posted? It doesn't mean that people no longer support the club.

Only one way to answer them and that is on the pitch. :rolleyes:

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