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Just may keep you quite for a while!


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Flippin' heck this is a hard one Algy. I'm confused already as it doesn't even look like a real pub unless you have airbrushed any sign out.


Even the date is confusing me as they have flags up and one on the side saying 'E R' so I thought it may have been decorated for Queen Eliz II taking the throne but the kiddies look dressed as they would have done ealier than that although the entrance porch does look a little more modern in design so maybe it wasn the 50's.


So wild guess is it in the old Grappenhall/Latchford area somewhere? I'm only guessing that cos it looks like the end of a row of terraces but then again they had terraces everywhere :oops:<_<


Gosh how about that for a nonsense ramble but hey there's an asteroid on the way :lol:

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Aaargh I missed the other clue and guesses as they weren't there when I was typing... and I recon Graps has it now unless it's the 'Hard Hat and Pouffe' :lol:

Grapp's has got it, the Crown & Cushion at Penketh.

Dizz it's nor ER it's E&A Edward & Alexandra dating the photo as 1909.

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