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Peter T

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Only camcorder I have uses Video 8 cassettes. Haven't used it in years don't even know if it still works.


I would assume (rightly or wrongly) that you would be able to delete stuff from both memory card and hard drive unless you enable the protect option for the file.


advantage of the memory card is that you can remove it and plug it straight into a pc to transfer the files over or view the files direct from the memory card. The Disadvantage is that they have a limited storage capacity, so for filming anything longer than say ten minutes you would need to change cards.(depends on size of card and resolution of recording)


advantage of a hard drive is that you would have a longer recording time. disadvantage would be that you would have to connect to a pc via a usb or similar to view the files on the hard drive.


it all depends as usual on the use you want to put it to and how much you will really use it. Most digital cameras have a video facility on them for short clips so if you are only going to film the odd bit of action (two or three minutes say) and you have a digital camera that has video facility then it may be you do not need to invest in a camcorder.

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I would opt for memory card, Hard drive has mechanical parts so more chance of failure over the years, plus memory card is interchangeable so you could buy more if on holiday with full memory without deleting your old stuff. Less weight to carry, and opposing the theory that you can record longer on a Hard disk (sorry E.S.)

less power consumption so longer recording time as an 8gb memory card will fit hours on it.

Cheap memory so you can actualy just save the memory stick as a backup like we used to with old tapes.

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