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Prisoners to get vote!


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So Europe gives prisoners, scum, thieves, rapists and murderers the vote, but will not allow, actively discourages us having the vote on Europe?


Typical double standards.... come on Sgt, lets have a go at defending this decision eh?

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It's only a question of giving the vote to prisoners who will be released in the lifetime of the parliament being elected.


Why should someone who happens to be in custody on the day of a general election, possibly serving a very short sentence for something relatively minor, be disenfranchised?


We allow all sorts of people who do not have to live under our governments to have a hand in selecting them - ex-pats, those about to permantently emigrate, tax exiles, Scottish people :wink: etc. - all of those who DO hace to live under a government should be able to influence its election.

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Presumably Prison was/is intended as a punishment, a tempory exclusion from a society that a criminal has offended against; such an "exclusion" should therefore include all normal rights that go with "inclusion", including deciding which set of rats rule the roost. :shock: Using your principle of "anyone who lives under a Government should have a part in electing it; would allow all and any immigrant the vote, including it would seem, some would be terrorists. :shock: As for Ex-Pats - they are not here so shoudn't be allowed to vote. :shock: The scams involved in the PV system already demonstrate that we have a loose arrangement on a par with Zimbawe, this would merely add to the farce. :roll::wink:

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As far as I'm concerned, anyone who has pays UK income taxes and will be resident here for a significant portion of the coming parliament should be entitled to vote in a general election - regardless of their citizenship.


"No taxation without representation!!"




"No representation without contribution!!"

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That is what defines punishment Inky, being taken out of every day life and doing the things normal people do such as vote. The fact that the prisoner is being released during a parliament, doesn't mean they won't take the first opportunity to get themselves banged up again does it?


"No taxation without representation!!"




"No representation without contribution!!"


What about the doley chavs? They have the vote but don't contribute any tax into the system but they still get a vote!!

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