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What's all the fuss about?


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Why all this heart wrenching rant at the Beeb over not broadcasting an appeal for Gaza? :? If you believe the Israeli aggression trashed it - then the Israelis should pay. :shock: If you believe that rocket firing Hamas brought it upon themselves - then they should pay. :shock: And if anyone wants to donate to either side, they can do so without a broadcast reminder. :roll: EU taxpayers have already spent Billions of Euros on re-building the infrastructure in Gaza, only to see it get trashed - so sorry, no more of our money please - we've got problems of our own. :cry:

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My understanding is that such appeals are for humanitarian disasters....mass starvation, earthquakes, tsunamis etc, not convinced that Gaza meets that criteria.


PS If the Arab world was so concerned by the plight of Palestinians in Gaza why don't they give them money rather than squandering it, for example, on British football clubs.....all a question of priorities I guess. :wink:


PPS Just realised that they probably do, alas it doesn't get to those who really need and deserve it...the general population, but rather to the political leadership and its supporters.

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It will probably be an appeal to send more rockets as they are fast running out and can't smuggle any more in from Egypt cos those nasty Israelis have blown up all of the weapon smuggling tunnels


They should get Sir Bob, Sting and Bono over there to start "Weapon Aid"!


You can just imagine it ..... "we need your F@**&:@g weapons now!" :D

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The Palestinians already get more aid per capita than anyone else in the world. The problem is that it doesn't reach the people, rather it is spent on arms and ammunition to carry out the "war" against Israel. The Palestinians have been used as political pawns by the arabs for decades. :roll::roll:

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Errm Kije, now what land exactly? :? Israel is now a State recognised by the UN, with clearly defined borders: now insofar as they have any presence beyond those borders, you have a point. :roll: Hamas refuse to recognise the State of Israel, thus a recipe for perpetual violence, problem is, they are carrying knives to a gunfight and it's the civilians who dip out. :cry:

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If I came to your house and send sorry mate God gave me this land 1000 years ago and I'm having it back would you fight for it, I think so :!:


Yes Israel has recognized UN borders,When the UN voted to give recognition to Israel it was only passed by one vote and the Palestinians were not invited and had no representation in the UN. I can not agree with the Palestinian tactics in there campaign against Israel but unless they are compensated for there loss of land and houses there will always be trouble in the Middle East. How many of us would not fight if we had been placed in the same situation as them after the War.


A little known fact


Churchill promised the Palestinians independence if they helped the British in the War. They did many died, Churchill tried to keep his promise, but pressure from the Americans stopped him. From the American point of view they could see a lot of Jewish refugees heading there way after the War and they did not want them, The State of Israel solved there dilemma. It was American pressure in the UN that got the vote passed for recognision.

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You seem to have (conveniently) forgotton about partition, because to my recollection the UN proposal which was accepted by all but the Arabs was for Palestine to be divided & 2 States created: one Jewish & one Arab. At the end of the war, following the invasion of the new State of Israel by Arab countries, Israel had "acquired" additional land which it (understandably, in my book) decided not to give back; pretty much like the current status of the so called "Occupied Territories"


Please correct me if this is inaccurate

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Partition as you say was only a proposal.


The point I was trying to make is; If you were thrown out of your house and land because of what they would call there God given right to have it, would you not fight to get it back,especially if you did not beleive in that God :!: They have not even been compensated for there loss :!:


How soon we forget that the State of Israel was founded though terrorism :!::!::!:

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I don't dismiss your point Kyje; in fact you justify a reality of history - that ultimately land belongs to the latest victor by "right of conquest". :shock: The problem is: that on several occasions todate; the Arabs have attempted to re-conquer "their" land and failed miserably. :roll: The Jewish - Arab conflict was fostered by the cold war, where the USA and USSR were allowed to supply and fight a proxy war. :shock: But back to the original post: I see no reason why, we should be expected to keep bailing out either side, each time they trash their own infrastructure. :twisted:

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All good points Observer :D


I must say I like your point of; Right of Conquest.


But taking your point and if you agree with it can you then deny the vanquished there right to reconquer, because if we do we are advicating the only way to win a war is to exterminate completly the enemy.


A good debate :D


Who knows we might come up with a solution the Politicians missed :D:wink:

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The natural history of the planet has been for most creatures to be "territorial", so one could say it's in our DNA. :shock: Behavioural experiments with animals (incl humans) have shown increased levels of stress, leading to violence as a result of overcrowding. :shock: Even the American Indian, who had no concept of "ownership", still defended their tribal areas against encroachment, and the feudal origins of Western culture and legality have reinforced the notion of "ownership" and possession by the "right of conquest". :shock: I certainly don't advocate violence as a "solution", as the result of an aspiration for "liebensraum" led to WW2 and "the final solution". :shock: But there is and will be an issue for humanity to answer, and that is that of over-population and how to deal with it. :? Also how to effectively deal with global frictions caused by historical religious and political differences, and the securing of essential global resources; which suggest the advent of global (as against continental!) institutions of law and order, to maintain stability and sanity on this little ball floating in space. :cry:

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