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The Manchurian Candidate ?

Observer II

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Whilst it appears that Kier Starmer has some kind of personality disorder, ranging from possible autism to psychosis,  judging by his apparent inability to connect with ordinary folk;  something perhaps more disturbing is starting to appear from his past.   It seems in his youth, he visited the Soviet Union and Checko-Slovakia,  and aside from Marxist brainwashing, one wonders what else he could have been subjected to ?    Whilst the rest of his team, having criticised the Tories for their apparent sleaze and cronyism,  they have now adapted to it with vigour, like kids in a sweet shop,  all thought of the lowly peasantry has dissappeared, while they indulge in an orgy of freebies.   Perhaps MI5 should be checking Mr Starmer out ?   :unsure:

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Wierd or what ?    Seems our insecure PM has had more portraits  taken down at Number 10, following the removal of Margret Thatcher's from his office.   Perhaps they remind him that they had charisma and ability, and that he has none !     Meanwhile, his Transport Minister has just done a deal with the train drivers, already on over £70k pa,  to give them a £300 bonus if the complete a full  5 day week !     Rachel Thieves, having told us before the election that they had a fully costed program, has spent the last 3 months re-writing their programme of taxing the less well off, as the well off have all left the Country !     😉

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38 minutes ago, Observer II said:

    Meanwhile, his Transport Minister has just done a deal with the train drivers, already on over £70k pa,  to give them a £300 bonus if the complete a full  5 day week !    

Well since you have told us before that you use msn this will be the story to which you refer.

Transport Secretary gives train guards £300 bonus for working six-day week (msn.com)

So you got the people involved wrong, It is just x-country guards, the number of days they need to work and the period it applies to wasn't mentioned. Spectacular!

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