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Sudan ?

Observer II

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I must admit to being mystified by the large number of "Brits" (4,000) requiring rescue from the civil war in Sudan, compared to the other Euro countries counted in hundreds;  until I found the explanation from Webb's pod on Youtube.   These 4,000 will be actually Sudanese born citizens, who have previously visited the UK, some working here and collecting a British passport into the bargain, then retired back in their Country of origin.   So now their own Country faces some upheaval, they wish to scramble back to the UK for safety, until things settle down.   What this exposes is the way HMG dish out British passports like toffees, then take responsibilty for the owners.  Not so the French and other Europeans it seems.   Yet another example of just how soft we are when it comes to valuing the concept of British Citizenship.   😠

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..and now, the sense of entitlement widens, as Sudanese Doctor's who have worked  for the NHS (but presumably don't have a passport), are demanding that the RAF airlift them to the UK, with one wanting to include his whole family.   Seems we're now regarded as the soft touch for global immigration.     😠

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That’s pretty much the opposite from what I thought I heard. I could be completely wrong on this but I’m sure they said that they were not accepting those that only had work permits and only accepting people with valid passports. It seemed to me that they were quite strict about who they allowed onto the planes and as a result received a lot of complaints over it.


Bill 😊

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