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Some poles are taller than others


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Not ethnic Poles I hasten to add but the poles supporting the cursed 20mph signage. I've noticed a couple such super poles, one in Callands, end of North Park Drive, the other in Old Hall at the end of Hudson Close.

Both of these signs bear the "20" symbol  on a pole about 40feet high, lamp post height.  What on Earth is going on ?  Anybody got any info as to why these two locations should  qualify for a super pole and has anybody notice other tall poles around the blighted 20 mph area ????

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I don't know those two areas very well but is it a bit 'hilly' as perhaps the poles have to be higher so you can see the signs from a higher level as you approach..... or maybe there are a lot of very tall bushes..... or maybe just another cock up :lol:

I tend not to drive through any of the 20mph areas very often and there's none around here but I'll be looking out for them now you've mentioned it....

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There is one in Westbrook too.... it looks like they intend to put a street light on top of them eventually as they are near existing street lamps.....


I tend not to drive through any of the 20mph areas very often and there's none around here



they will be soon enough my dear!!

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What I think is a bit silly and a total waste of money is putting signs up on small closes and roads that are that short it would be impossible even to reach 20 mph. Take a drive down Dorchester Road in Great Sankey and marvel at the utter stupidity, It's like zero common sense was used or they had too many signs.


Bill :)

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Completely agree Bill and not only that but all the signs make some areas look really messy (just my view though)

PS Baz... they will have run out of money or realised it doesn't work by the time they get to doing us.  Some roads round here SHOULD be 20's though like the ones passing the primary schools and my house lol. 

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It's all a waste of money and all of the local councillors who supported this 20MPH nonsense and believed the spiel from the likes of Rod King and their flawed data and flawed trials should be utterly ashamed of themselves....


Speeds in Callands and Westbrook are NO lower than they were last year and as Bill said, putting the quantities of signs up that they have and on some of the tiny closes and avenues that they are at the end of is madness....


I would love to know how much overall they have actually spent on this white elephant; consultants, designers, planners, the signs themselves as well as the installation costs... does anyone have a figure?

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I don't seem to be able to "quote" any more. What's up?

Works ok for me Boris...


If you are using internet explorer 11 it might be that causing your problem as mine stopped quoting and allowing me to post links when it got an auto update but that was ages ago.  


I use firefox now as I got so sick of IE playing silly buggers.

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The Super pole on Old Hall Road is adjacent to a lighting mast that was "Eco" upgraded a couple of years ago so it seems unlikely it will have a light on the top ?

The reason I'm curious on the purpose of tall poles is that last week a pole similar height to the aforementioned was installed temporarily on the other side of the road with a remote controlled CCTV camera on top. It was there for two days and was then removed.  Is the 20's brigade about to monitor the speed  restrictions by CCTV ??  

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Well I checked today and the pole at the entry to Garwood Close and the one at the entry to North Park Brook Road are both lighting masts. They have the access panel at the bottom and the holes for the fittings at the top.


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So the 20mph signs in question have just been put on existing poles (used for other purposes) and they not right at the top of them but at the same height they would be if they were on their own pole then ? 

Makes sense (well apart from the fact that 20mph doesn't seem to be working of course as the same IDIOTS who were blind to the 30's etc are still blind to the 20's) 

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