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Road kill


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There are some tasty morsels lying around on the roads around Warrington right now and you all may be missing out on a free meal.

For example how many of you have noticed the hazel or chestnuts falling from the trees or the (really late) berries in the hedgrows?

They are all there for free and what a superb sauce they can make.

Simply collect a few handfulls of whatever is available and make a simple sauce and combine.

Then go back to where you found the nuts/berries (fungi is abundant at the moment but be careful which you choose!!!) and have a look on the road.

Squirrel is abundant at this time of year as are rabbits. If you are really lucky you may find a fox or two and (as the cull begins) badger may be on the menu.

Don't try hedgehog ('cos they're beautiful) or great crested newts or bats (protected species), but frogs,snails and slugs can make a delicious meal as can toads but you need to make sure that they are cooked in the hole.



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:lol:  :lol:


A friend of ours (well more my other half's really) always stopped and picked up road kill when out and about to cook and eat and never thought anything of it.  Mostly rabbits, pheasants, ducks and the 'more normal' sorts like that I think.


I always thought it was a bit odd as how do you know if they have any diseases or not, is there any way to tell ?  :|   


The most worrying part I suppose, and which has only just occurred to me as I typed that, is that his wife an undertaker :shock:  (I'm not joking by the way... eek )

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Algy said You do need rod a licence obtainable from the Environmental Agency and there are two types - Trout, Coarse Fish & Eel licence and a seperate one for salmon and Sea Trout both are twelve month renewable. You need one or both of these licences even if you fish the pond in your own garden. I am,therefore breaking the law. The Carp, eels etc. from my garden pond were Delicious. The old trout may have a different opinion?

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:cry:  :cry: Aww is it just me (yeah I know..... 'probably') but starting to cook something while it is still alive, and I'm guessing it takes a while until they actually die and turn into your supper,  is sort of horrid :( 


Saying that I just had mackerel and salad for tea.... the fish was probably caught in a huge net and then thrown in a holding area and left to die and the poor salad leaves were probably just ripped from the ground or their stems, brutally washed, then packaged in a bag so they couldn't breathe anymore.  


I knew I should have had pizza for tea instead as I feel bad now :lol:

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