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News page comments


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I've tried to put comments on the news page, typed them out, put in the code and posted. The message to say it's awaiting approval by a moderator doesn't appear. Repeated the process but still nothing happens - is there a problem?

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Hi Sha....


Like you probably know all news page comments have to be approved by Admin now after some people abused the facility.


But as long as you haven't seen a red message saying that you have entered the wrong code your news page comment should be queued for approval by Admin (moderators have never been able to approve news page comments by the way).


If you have only added your comments tonight then they may only appear tomorrow now as the Admin gods are allowed to take time out and sleep from time to time too :wink:


I hope that helps.

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Thanks for the replies Dizzy and Gary. The confusion arose because sometimes after posting the comments appear in italics at the top of the article with an explanation that the post is awaiting approval, sometimes rather than the current post a previous post appears as 'your last post'.

In future I'll just look out for the 'red message'. Thanks for the explanation - and so promptly too!

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