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Double Standards?


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The West is now threatening Gadafi and Co with retribution through the International Courts, in order to sap remaining support from Gadafi. So if shooting your own people warrants being tried for genocide, when can we expect the British politicians who were in charge on "Bloody Sunday" to appear before this International Court.? And when can we expect Bliar and Bush to appear for ordering an illegal invasion with all the consequent loss of life? :?

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The West is now threatening Gadafi and Co with retribution through the International Courts, in order to sap remaining support from Gadafi. So if shooting your own people warrants being tried for genocide, when can we expect the British politicians who were in charge on "Bloody Sunday" to appear before this International Court.?
You understand that the soldiers in Ulster were not ordered to shoot on civilians, it was simply a civil situation that got out of hand when soldiers got trigger happy/worried.


Whereas Gadaffi has specifically ordered this to hapen.

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