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Custer in Afghanistan?


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As we know from history Gen Custer was a nut case, who impetuously attacked the Sioux Nation without the support of fellow Generals; divided his forces before the enemy and was surrounded and wiped out. Similarly, Gen Bush and his batman Bliar; dove into Afghanistan THEN started the process of trying to involve "allies". :roll:

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Over 100 young men dead, five from 2Para in the last week; with crocodile tears of condolence from Ministers that have failed to properly equip and resource our soldiers or even pay them a decent wage. :evil: Ask a politician how long our boys are going to be out there in the thick of the fighting, with half hearted commitment from NATO allies, against a foe that has successfully defeated all invaders throughout history, including the Soviet Union. :roll: They claim Afghanistan was/is/will be a terrorist training camp: errm, wasn't it a terrorist training camp when the CIA were training and equiping Bin Laden and the Taliban against the Soviets, thus giving rise to Al Quaeda - errm, hoisted by our own petard. :cry::wink:

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4 more dead, including a female. :cry: Watched a couple of experts on Newsnight tonight, and in their considered opinion it's a futile operation and we need to pull out asap. :roll: It's another case of "onward rode the 600, though someone (Bush and Bliar) had blundered." :evil:

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Excellent post, Obs, quoting Tennyson and Charge of the Light Brigade. Love it. In this case, it is so obvious someone has blundered, and a portion of US voters in 2004 share the blame. Oh, those Swift Boat strategists. Too smart for us. I'm watching for them to come out from under their rocks again soon.

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The sight of the loved one's of these dead servicemen trying to reach for a meaning behind the death of their son or daughter; is gut wrenchingly contrasted by the patronising hypocracy of politicians without a grain of military knowledge or experience, reeling out the same lame excuses as to why we need to be there. :cry: I think it should be rather obvious to most by now, as to why we are there - George Bush wanted control of Iraqi oil suplies, he also at the behest of the oil companies, wanted oil pipelines through Afghanistan, to deliver oil from the ex-Russian Republics to the Gulf sea terminals. :shock: This was no doubt the long term aim, when the CIA were training Bin Laden and co to fight the Russian occupation in Afghanistan, and discovered that such recruits had a mind and motivation of their own (hence Al Quaeda and the Taliban). :roll: Sometimes when you train an attack dog, it can bite the hand that fed it. :wink:

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