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Ah but many foreigners...and indeed some of our "homegrowns" get confused with the difference between England, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, many thinking all three are one and the same.......indeed in Fife, there are people there who refer to it as the Kingdom of Fife and exclude the word Scotland.....wonder if they will declare UDI if in the unlikely event Scotland goes Independent.....might of course choose to remain part of The Union :D

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It will be like Tony Blair's infamous website forum 7 years ago, when idiots were calling for independence for Cornwall, London, the North of England, Shetland, Yorkshire, or calling for this region and that region to be expelled from the UK, one crazy Londoner said that everyone north of Watford should be expelled from the UK as they were not English, then there was the quarrel in which Scots said they weren't British but Scottish, and English berks arguing with other English berks about whether the English weren't British or were the only British. I was told I was neither British nor Irish and had no right to live in either island, I was both an IRA man and a UVF or UFF man at the same time, and a traitor to Ulster by Paisleyites, oh, that forum was insane! (Mention the 10 Downing Street Speaker's Corner Forum to those in the know and they crack up at the thought of it. I remember a couple of years ago someone mentioning it on BBC Question Time and just the mention of the forum caused a huge roar of laughter from the audience, for obvious reasons, because of the internet wingnuts who messed that site up.) :biggrinbounce:


On a more serious note which is relevant to this thread, my brother agreed with what Obbs said about the deluge, was saying that there are now 48 languages spoken in Northern Ireland, on one day at a Tesco a mile away from my house at Knocknagoney he could not make out a word or accent anyone was saying as they were all foreign, I have noticed Polish food sections are appearing in the supermarkets, as well as that I saw that one entire Polish food store is open in Armagh. My brother also told me that there is an area in England, I don't know where, where a staggering 82 languages are spoken! Make no mistake about it: there is a social change going on in this country of seismic proportions. I cannot see how it can be reversed, but hopefully these people within 2 to 3 generations will be firmly British and showing Britain and Ireland's ability to absorb immigrants once again. But there is no doubt that it is happening on a scale too large to control. These people need to be monitored and registered, etc., just like we natives are.

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Hysteria again - get a grip people!!!!


To the person who doesn't feel safe because we have immigrants coming into this country - seriously what are you on? You tried walking in town on a Friday or Saturday night? I'd feel safer walking into a room full of immigrants than a street full of drunken lager louts - who all appear to be from the indigenous population!


There are more people claiming off the state who are White British then are from an immigrant background - fact - so how about we deal with our homegrown "spongers" before complaining about others? Just because you are born here - it shouldn't entitle you you to an automatic right to claim. Take a walk around Longford, Orford and Grasmere and tell me the profile of those living in the area. Look at the ethnic profile of those currently claiming housing in Warrington and tell me the real results not the perceived Daily Mail trash.


Like OMG OMG we're being swamped omg we're all going to die!!!!


And let's not tar all immigrants with the same brush thank you very much. Some of us immigrants (and children of immigrants) work bloody hard, pay our taxes and contribute to the economy.


If all of us immigrants buggered off to our "homelands" tomorrow let's just say the UK would be in a very big state of doo doo. Perhaps it's not a bad idea - it may just well teach you all a lesson you need to learn!


I was mugged by a white British man when I was in London last year - and it didn't motivate me to start a thread on how white british men are all thieving so and sos because you know what - I'm not stupid enough to judge a whole nation by the actions of one prat.


Go and open up your newspaper and look at all the bad news stories - how many have white british perpertrators and how many have ethnic minority perpertrators? Perhaps people should be starting threads on how scary these White British people are!


And let's not forget the British started the trend of landing in other countries - America (originally the home of the Native Americans), Australia (originally the home of the Aborigines) - by what legal mandate did people land in those countries? The first act of illegal immigration perhaps? Did we ask the permission of the indigenous population of those countries before entering and making ourselved at home? So what makes you think you'll have a God given right to be in the position to grant permission? If you will set a bad example......


Seriously there are bigger issues at stake at the moment such as the deprivation in areas of the UK, such as the way money is being wasted continually by our government, such as the way our freedoms are being eroded by our corrupt and power hungry politicians and yet all we can debate about is immigration and logos....jeeeeezzz....


Yes I agree borders should be better controlled but no I don't believe immigrants are the cause of all our social and economic ills.


PS: Can we kindly ensure that we make a clear distinction between illegal and legal immigrants? Oh and make sure you know the difference between an asylum seeker and a refugee - it'll make the debate more interesting if you looked into the legal definitions and understood exactly what they imply!

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You're back then.

Feel better?

Read between the lines and "understand" the comments which are very varied.

No-one is ignoring the "English" stats, just concerned that they are being added to by people coming over her without a job to go to and have mouths to feed.

I remember a couple of years (I think) back, when this invasion started, that you were saying how good it was for the economy and your pension.

I wonder if you think the same now?

By the way, I thought you were English? :wink:

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Missed me have you? Don't get used to it! I'm disappearing off again soon but thought I'd give the Gman a run for his money with a long post before I go! :wink::P


I am British by nationality, English by birth, Muslim by religion, European by culture, Asian by memory, International by philosophy. In short I'm a citizen of the world.


I understand what you're saying and I don't disagree - I just despair when people go to extremes about it.

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Originally posted by harmless loony:



I am British by nationality, English by birth, Muslim by religion, European by culture, Asian by memory, International by philosophy. In short I'm a citizen of the world.



That's scary. Do you know who you are? :)
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No such thing as a "second generation" immigrant; if your born here from legitimate immigrants; your British. :( The right of a Nation to control/administer itself and to say who enters it's territory, was the reason a generation fought the last World War; or perhaps we should have recognised the human rights of the Germans to goose step through London?! :roll:

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