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What Happened to Cleo.


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Cleo's hubby died at the beginning of July 2013 and she did post for quite a while after that and was her usual self (well by that I mean by way of her forum self and not holding anything back and same sense of humour and chat but obviously she missed her hubby a lot)  Then she just stopped posting and hasn't logged back on or commented since 21 August 2013.

She didn't reply to all the birthday wishes and cards we posted for her the following month either and both Algy and I tried to contact her quite a few times by personal message and email to see if she was ok but no answer.  Maybe the email address we had was wrong though and she may have changed it after her hubby died.

I hope she is ok but part of me thinks the way she went off so suddenly and had been posting and chatting fine until then isn't a good sign :(

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