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Hill Cliffe.


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That first picture gives me the creeps Algy. It's where the 'watering hole' is cut into the rocks not far from Appleton reservoir.


I used to hate going down there both as a child and also later when you could drive through it if you braved the huge potholes and broken up road on the approack (can you still drive through it?)


Rumour had it that it was the place where the witch washed and drank after casting her spells and praying on the vuneralbe passers by and she haunted it after passing on to wherever witches go when they pop their clogs.


Crikey I wont sleep tonight now as all those scarey memories have just come back :oops:

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That first picture gives me the creeps Algy. It's where the 'watering hole' is cut into the rocks not far from Appleton reservoir.


I used to hate going down there both as a child and also later when you could drive through it if you braved the huge potholes and broken up road on the approack (can you still drive through it?)


Rumour had it that it was the place where the witch washed and drank after casting her spells and praying on the vuneralbe passers by and she haunted it after passing on to wherever witches go when they pop their clogs.


Crikey I wont sleep tonight now as all those scarey memories have just come back :oops:

Have you seen the eerie little figure at the far end of the cutting, could be a 'hob goblin' one her helpers warning her that your coming, if you zoom the picture in the figure appears not to have a head. :shock::wink:

Night, Night, head under the bedclothes, feet under chin, don't let Witchy bite. :mrgreen:

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