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Mersey Gateway Environmental Trust

Geoffrey Settle

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A new 28.5 hectare nature reserve is set to be created in the heart of Halton around the Mersey Gateway Bridge if the project is given the go-ahead.


The saltmarsh nature reserve is proposed for the Upper Mersey Estuary, running

200 metres either side of the proposed new bridge. This will include habitats in both Runcorn and Widnes, including Wigg Island. The main public viewing points will be from existing visitor facilities on Spike Island and Wigg Island.


The Upper Mersey Estuary, which extends from just to the west of the existing Silver Jubilee Bridge to the River Mersey’s tidal limit at Howley Weir at Victoria Park


I signed up as a Trustee yesterday taking over from Cllr Mike Biggin our new Mayor.


Paul Oldfield who is Halton's Nature Conservation Officer briefed me about the 30 year project and it's a great opportunity to develop the eco systems.


In my brief time as Chair of Warrington Conservation Forum I have learnt loads about Warrington. This gives me a great opportunity to make good use of the knowledge and I will be relying heavily on my member’s knowledge and expertise to make sure that Warrington benefits from this project. They have given me fantastic support and as a consequence we have had many successes and only one disappointment.


I will keep you informed as to how you can get involved as the project progresses and funds secured.

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