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Voting System

Lt Kije

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There are positives and negatives in all systems, and also different requirements for representation 1) the representation of a (geographical area) constituency and 2) the representation of a political "policy" position. :? So the answer is to provide for both in the form of a upper and lower house of Parliament: EG: Members of the Commons (possibly reduced by 50%) represent geographical constituencies: Members of the Lords (Senate); reduced to 100 seats; and elected by PR on a Party list system. :shock: The Commons legislate, the Senate forms the executive, the Judicery are made independent of Government: and the whole thing is made secular by ditching the Bishops. :wink: A similar exercise could be achieved locally by having elected Mayors. :shock: All fairly simple and logical - BUT, it won't happen, because those with the vested interests would be required to vote for it - and Turkeys don't vote for Xmas! :wink:

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"Difficult" for whom? :? NuLab has managed a majority in Parliament, despite having less of the popular vote than the Tories. :shock: We have an executive fused in with the legislature (thus a conflict of interest), and Ministers in both houses (one of which is un-elected), so that the Buisiness Secretary reports to the Lords, so cannot be directly scrutinised by the Shadow Secretary who sits in the Commons - it's an anachronistic dog's breakfast - no wonder folk are apathetic. :roll::wink:

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