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Red means Go for Western Link in the dark

Geoffrey Settle

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Your intrepid reporter was out in the cold and dark conditions of the Town Hall grounds last night, what do you think or the result.

Also what was the last man on the video talking about moving his 2 horses because of a letter he had received - was this because of a development and move to clear the land and if so where was this land - was it along the red route or did he say Houghton Green - is there an Oughton Green - he just bobbed in and bobbed out and I think caught Gary unawares :) 


Finally does anyone know the odds for Warrington against the other places in the race for government money?

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The first interviewee lost me at "putting air back in the ozone". Obviously a lot of passion but few hard facts.

The guy with the horses? Who knows?

The odds? Well if there are 18 other councils going for the same money I presume it's 18/1 against, but I don't know anything about betting.

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Geoff.. having just watched the footage again from the link you posted the bloke at the end quite clearly says he had had a letter from the (HCA) Homes & Communities Agency about moving his horses from Houghton Green near The Plough

The first bloke made a few good points re the Western Link which many people are already concerned about but some of what he said was a little bizarre and didn;t make sense not would it probably hold up to scrutiny...maybe being filmed was putting him off his thread though :blink::shock::lol:

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Thanks Dizzy - HCA do have some land next to the motorway where horses graze - I'm sure that it was land that Satnam were after when their previous application was rejected for the triangle of land for 150 properties - the HCA land would have helped if they had got it. I wonder what is going to happen to it now and whether it's part of the appeal to the inspector.

I thought the first guy was ok - the one with the hat - the co-ordinator - may be being face to face with Gazza in the dark forecourt of the Town Hall put him off a little - perhaps you could be there to reassure and comfort interviewees next time? :wub:


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