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Kingdom Of Heaven

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So another 'accurate' film of the past is about to hit the screens.


I just hope it is accurate and not following the tripe like Braveheart etc !


The Crusades are a very touchy and in-depth area of study ( have been studying them for about 25 years !) so I just HOPE this film is not as 'laughable' as all the other 'accurate' ones ! :roll:

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Touchy? Are you worried about our wonderful moslem friends being offended by a reminder of an historical event? Back in the 1940s we made a film called The Crusades with Rex Harrison as Sulieman and Henry Wilcoxen as Richard III. Sulieman was portrayed as much the erudite leader and a gentleman and King Richard was practically a barbarian. I hope the new film doesn't take that direction even further. All the films I've seen have the Crusaders quarreling among themselves and behaving beastly.

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It aint me that's touchy about it jerry - the world and society has changed 'hugely' in the last few decades, speaking from a curriculum point of view you do haveto phrase things carefully when it comes to this particular era in history.


I fully agree with you - we 'cannot' overlook such an important piece of history - point I was trying to make was that I hope it's accurate ............ yes you are right - a lot of infighting went on between the christian forces (Templars v Hospitallers) they were fighting their own power status as well as the 'so-called' enemy. Despite the fact that most people today say they are not particularly religious ........ it's still a subject that produces outcry ....... and problems !!!





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Ridley Scott was on National Public Radio tonight discussing Kingdom of Heaven. I learned that it opens here May 6, and features Liam Neeson in addition of Orlando. Ridley thinks the NY Times has sent purloined copies of the script to moslem and christian 'scholars' asking if there's any objectionable content. Scott scorned that kind of journalism as manufactured news, rather than reporting events of the day. I believe a previous posting of mine was in error if I said Sulieman was the gentleman -- I meant to say Saladin, of course.

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I went to a preview of this Film on 2nd of May.

I found it quite disapointing I did not care what happened to the characters.

It was long winded and the plot I found disjointed.

was it true to life I doubt it.I can only say I was glad I won tickets I would not liked to have paid for the experience.



[ 05.05.2005, 03:07: Message edited by: Debs ]

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