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Al Gore: 'The Assault on Reason'


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NPR May 25, 2007


You would be forgiven if you confused Al Gore's book signings for campaign events ? with overflow crowds and a stream of will-he-or-won't-he questions.


One thing is for sure: The former vice president turned Oscar-winning crusader against global warming wants to get a few things off his chest.


His new book, called The Assault on Reason, reads much like a legal brief ? an indictment, really ? on current policymaking.


Gore takes a harsh look at the media's fascination with flash over substance and a lack of courage among politicians of both parties.


Most of all, The Assault on Reason is an assault on President Bush's use of power and his handling of the war. The White House has taken strong issue with Gore's book, both its substance and analysis.

I want to read this!

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