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Crackheads Gone Wild

big ste

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I got this film today, mainly because of the moral panic being caused about it.

The documentary, if you haven't already heard, is just about crack-heads and the effects it has on people.

The guy that made it is basically just filming the junkies that live around his area, and they don't care at all.


I can't possibly describe in words how shocked i am by this film, the candid interview style is a real eye-opener.


Here's a link to a news report on the flick, it's done so it can be viewed by people of all ages (kind of) - as i know i'd get some stick from the mod's about posting actual clips of the longer scenes.


Everyone should see this film, it's very very moving. I nearly cried about 5 minutes into it when a woman was describing everything she had lost and how she hates to look in the mirror at herself.



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