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Dog, domestic cat or Lion


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This is a Maine Coon Cat. Noticeably larger than your average domesticated cat but still nowhere near as large as a lion, not even a lion cub.

We had one given to us a few weeks ago. A tabby type but it was damned lazy. just liked to lie about all day long and sometimes attack and fight with our cats if they dared to go near it. Dirty bugger it was too, sh*tt*ng and peeing anywhere but where it was shown to do it. Made the place start stink so we got rid of it.




And I don't think a pig looks anything like a lion. And a pig goes oink oink not grrrrrrrowwwwl!

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That little cat of yours (well until you got rid of it) looks really cute Cleo. Couldn't you have trained it with a little bit of persuasion and maybe it was just lazy cos it was scared and subdued and hadn't got used to you :unsure:

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It wasnt so little as domesticated cats go Dizzy. We had it about 4 weeks. Ok so our cats didn't exactly give it a warm welcome at first but they got used to it being here.

When it first came it would hide away in some nook or cranny but after a while stopped hiding, but remained unfriendly with the siamese and would hiss and spit at them if they went near and would physically attack them. Fur would literally fly on those occasions.

As for it's toilet habits there is no need to show a cat where it should do the business any more than two or three times before it gets the message, then they will never do it anywhere alse but in their own toilet but this dirty thing did it anywhere, on the carpets, on furniture and under the bed. After we gave it away we had to give the place a damned good cleaning and disinfecting. Actually we didn't give it away, we took it back to the person we got it off and told him we didn't want it and he passed it on to someone else.

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Yeuch I see what you mean and I don;t blame you but I can't help feeling sorry for it if it keeps getting rehomed then passed back and then on to someone else. No wonder it doesn't know where it's pee place is. That's just me being soft though I guess.


Has the new 'next person' kept it or have they decided not to now :(

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The person we got it from paid 300 pounds for it as a kitten and he had it a couple of years or so before asking us to have it because his wife didnt want it, having a baby in the house, and told him to get rid of it.

The man who had it after us loves it but apparantly it was the same in his apartnent as in ours and his wife told him to get rid of it so he took it downstairs and keeps it in his shop. Seems he lets it go outside every day where it is happy to play and do whatever it needs to but always returns to the shop.

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