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Is there any truth in Global Warming?.


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I know this subject has been done to death, but I came across this 'snippet' this morning,


1500 Year Periodic Warming Measured During the Last 4000 Years. Man Caused?

I just came across this article in an old "Geology" magazine - It is more than interesting that this 1500 year periodicity of climate change, (warming and cooling) agrees with the same general time frame associated with climate changes measured in deep-sea sediment cores taken from the North Atlantic Ocean. A mere coincidence? Hardly. The fact that these warming and cooling events occurred in the absence of man, "suggests" strongly that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is NOT a cause, or a "driver" or a "forcing mechanism", or involved in any other way.


But now there are those trying to get us to believe that man's input of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is causing global warming. Would that concept stand up in a court of law?, would a "reasonable man" conclude that man is causing global warming?.

I think not. (my opinion).

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But think of all those scientist that would be wandering the streets looking for work if it was definitely disproved.


All those people who depend on the myth to keep them in jobs making inefficient alternative sources of power generation.


All those campaigners who would have to find something else to campaign about.


All the forums that would suddenly close when they had nothing else to argue about.


The world could come to a standstill, then again probably not. No matter how much scientific proof you throw at this one there will always be those who will discredit it as flawed, skewed or "cherry picked" to give the result that is required.


Scientist as a whole are very narrow minded when it come to their research and will reject any facts that do not fit their pet theory rather than change their theory to fit observed facts. Also somewhat true about campaigners who will say that anybody who disagrees with their view must have something to hide or be on a "brown envelope list" or be part of a conspiracy to hide the truth.:unsure:

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What the heck...! Global warming has been happening even from the last ice age - when aerosols, refridgerators, co2 and the likes were not even thought of so how the dickens do men think they are gonna stop it with restrictions on such items?

Man against Nature - only one certain winner and it sure isn't man! So enjoy life while you can cos it's for sure that worrying yourselves into early graves about it isn't going to solve anything. :lol:

cue song....!




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It has long been known about the Earth heating up and cooling,Us putting CO2 into the atmosphere makes it more extreme, instead of a 2 degree rise you get a 4 degree rise, ect



At risk of being accused of jumping on you Lt Kije, can I ask where you got the 2 degree rise from, never mind the 4 degrees? The earth has warmed less than 1 degree in more than a century, and not at all in the last 15 years. <_< <_< <_<

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There are the 'crank' brigade that would have us believe that we are slowly destroying our planet by the production and release of, amongst other nasty gases,carbon dioxide, which happens to be one of the elements needed in our atmosphere to sustain life, as plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, which leads to the production of sugars, and eventually more complex molecules for use by the plant in growth and metabolism. OK this is first year chemistry standard, but it seems that there are many amongst us that have forgotten the basic chemical requirements to keep life ticking over in our world!.


This is more likely to be the cause of cyclic warming and cooling of of our planet, an object approx. 93 million miles away, has a surface temperature of approx. 6000 Deg.C.

and 109> larger dia. than the Earth.


One of it's surface eruptions is larger than our planet!.

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We should also consider official scientific bodies and what they think about climate change. There are no national or major scientific institutions anywhere in the world that dispute the theory of anthropogenic climate change. Not one.


In the field of climate science, the consensus is unequivocal: human activities are causing climate change.



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In science there is no such thing as a concensus that is everlasting. This is as true in climate science as any other branch. After all at one time the "scientific concensus" had the earth at the centre of the universe with all the stars and planets orbiting about it. Science evolves with research, and research now finds that the idea of catastrophic anthropological climate change has more holes than a colander. Al Gore (a famous scientist? No, a politician with a money making idea) said that the debate was over, when actually it hasn't even started. There is no evidence that man is having any significant effect on the climate. The eath's climatic systems are so complex and chaotic that we have barely managed to grasp more than a rudimentary understanding to enable weather forecasting up to a few days in advance. So to claim to be able to forecast climate decades in advance is clearly either a bare faced lie or self delusion. As for blaming a trace gas which constitutes less than 0.04% of the entire atmosphere and which is vital for the well being of all living things on the planet, that is so unbelievable as to make you wonder at the sanity of the people making the claims. There has never been any proof that man is causing climate change, even the IPCC admits that, and they rely on their very existence on people believing it!!!

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There are no national or major scientific institutions anywhere in the world that dispute the theory of anthropogenic climate change. Not one.


Unless you no of any Asp?


Lt where the Hell do you obtain your facts from to make such a sweeping statement as the one above, for gods sake man, take your head out of that bucket, you will see much more clearly and it will certainly help you to spell correctly, you drive me insane with your spelling/typing of NO! instead of KNOW!.


List the major (reputable) scientific institutions that support the theory of anthropogenic global warming. :roll:

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As I said in my previous post even the IPCC, which relies on climate change alarmism for its very existence, admits that there is no concrete evidence that man is changing the climate.


Of course you won't take your head out of the sand and read any of the literature that debunks all of the so-called evidence of AGW because you might then have to admit that you may have been a bit hasty in agreeing with the evidence presented in the kangaroo court.


To link this to another thread on this forum, if the governments of the world were to spend the money they are wasting on trying to solve a non existent problem on alleviating poverty then we might be living in a better world. No number of windmills or solar cells are going to improve the lot of the poor of the world and, in fact, if the green fanatics have their way, we will ALL end up in poverty. Sending our economies back to the stone age will not help anybody (apart from the elite of course, who will have made themselves comfortable thank you very much suckers).

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If the argument is so solid that man is guilty of causing catastrophic climate change, why are the pushers of the theory so determined to kill off any dissenting voices? If they have such a solid case why do they always refuse to argue it out? Because they know they have no evidence that will stand up to close scrutiny, that's why.


And, in your usual dismissive manner, you will deny that anybody I care to quote is (in your eyes) reputable or creditable. You have made up your mind and are unwilling to be swayed. End of argument as far as you are concerned.

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