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Presumably - Martin M'guiness is (as a resident of Ulster) a British National? I believe he is or has been a Member of the Westminister Parliament, and receives allowance etc paid by British tax-payers, even though he and his colleagues never turn up. So, how can he stand to be President of the Republic of Ireland, a seperate State? :unsure:


Why is a MP being paid for mot's turning up... do they have an approved VOSA testing station in Westminster these day's or is he based in a garage? Weird and these MP's certainly have it cushy. :P


To answer your question Obs, under British law he is allowed, because the British consider him a UK citizen, even if he does not.

Just to make another point if he does get elected maybe the UK should consider are trade agreements with the Irish as they are our biggest trading partner and it would tell us a lot about what the Irish think of us.


Because in his opinion he is Irish and not a citizen of the UK.


you mean like you consider yourself to be an EU citizen and yet the right thinking majority here do not consider them selves to be??


No idea what your trying to do Baz,. I am a citizen of the UK, and consider myself a citizen of it


Do you consider yourself English or British Baz :?:



I am both Kije.... I was born in Warrington, Lancashire, England.... and a British subject so I guess I am English first and British second. Just like if you ask any Welshman; he will say he is Welsh, a Scot will say he is a Scotsman and someone from the protestant side of Northern Ireland will say they are British!!


What I don't consider myself to be is European..... that is just something that the Labour Party signed me up for which I didn't want or need....


Nothing to do with being a "Herd animal" as you put it Kije.


You just happen to see things differently to the majority of the right minded people in the country..... and for that we must sympathise with you :wink:

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