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Planning Permission? go subterranean


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Well here's onw way of extending your home and not having to worry about changing the outer appearance of your Georgian syle mansion..... A massive subterranean extension .... Amazing(if you have the money of course. £50 million apparently) and planning has been approved :shock:


Built in 1772 Witenhurst Mansion (Highgate) is London's second-largest private residence after Buckingham Palace already.


No-one actually knows who owns it though and the architect receives instructions "via an intricate web of companies and advisers, designed to give the owner absolute anonymity". That's a bit odd eh.


Some fascinating 'owners' history behind it, Crosfield family, Arabs, local developers, possible Russian mayors wife but the latest owner is shrouded in mystery... and there's some rather unhappy locals and councillors that's for sure....



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Personally then I would have had included a supermarket stocked with foods with a long shelf life, a field, areas for dairy cows, cattle, sheep, chickens etc (sources of food and also for breeding), a lake for fish such as salmon, trout etc (vitamins and onega 3 fish oils) and a breeding pond. Artificial sunlight which mimics the real thing and also wind, rain and other usuals to help my crops grow and beasts survive....


....and for my other half his own brewery and 1/4 of a mile wide tv screen :D


For my son... well we'd just invite the Warrington Wolves team to train and live in the safety of our 'home' until the danger was over ... so a rugby pitch too would be needed. Mmmm that would be rather nice actually :wink:

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