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More Global Warming


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American comedian and philosopher Bill Maher has been bemoaning the origin of the term GLOBAL WARMING. A better terminology would have been Man Made Climate Change -- since the belief arose that man made chemicals, fossil fuel consumption, atomic and hydrogen bomb testing, could have effects on the planet that could be harmful to life as we know it.


Back in the late 1950s my people would notice a difference in the weather pattern and say to each other: It's the atomic bomb!!!

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In the Feb. 7 issue of The New Yorker, an editor dissected Obama's State of the Union Address recently noting that there was almost no notice of Climate Change or Cap and Trade issues. I loved a couple of the metaphors such as 'climate change bills that pass the House go to the Senate where bleeding is the treatment of choice.' And at the end the editor says: Mother Nature is getting impatient and she has a Hot Temper.

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Climate Change has been happening for the past 4 billion years, not just "since records began".


The BBC are very good at this sort of thing, never quote time scales longer than 200 years, and referes carbon as "dangerous" :?


I'm sorry, but NOx, CH4, and H2O are bigger greenhouse gases per PPM than CO2, For those old enough to live through the 70's, Global cooling was a bigger threat.

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According to science, the Earth has transformed from a ball of molten rock and gas to the extreme of becoming an ice ball; and throughout it's 5billion years or so existence, has had periods extreme climate fluctuations. IF Extreme Weather Events are to become regular events, any claimed "damage" has already been done, so all that's left is to ADAPT accordingly to the new enviroments. :shock:

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its from the guardian what a suprise :lol::lol:


we do need trees though, plant life is vital to the carbon cycle. trees exhale oxygen, we take in oxygen. With enough land the energy crisis would be over as we would generate electricity with wood, and the resultant carbon dioxide is food for the trees that will grow and inturn, be used for electricity generation, no more messing about with inefficient wind turbines, subsedised by the bill and tax payer, this system is practically renewable.


Trees are vial in my opinion, as is recycling, reducing consumption, etc. Anthropogenic global warming is a scam, and its reassuring that many on this forum thinks in a similar dimention. :)

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