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Election ????


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Thanks for your reply to my questionnaire reader much appreciated.


I thought that people didn't like too much paper coming through their door.


Don't worry I'll make sure that you get something.


There is still over a week to go (Thursday 7th Feb - Cinnamon Brow Farm) and there will be another in election in May for one Borough seat and all Parish Council seats so we don't want to over do it.


I've been running surgery's at the Farm and Padgate Library every fortnight so plenty of chance to see and talk to me and the team. :)


I know that you'll keep me on my toes. :D


[ 28.01.2008, 11:20: Message edited by: Geoff Settle ]

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I've always felt that Independents are good at a Parish level working for their constituents without an ulterior motive, and am not sure Borough Councillors should also sit on the Parish Council, but rather attend it to provide assistance where required.


It would at least stop one party from taking credit for things that are done.......with council taxpayers money....and not their own I hasten to add!

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Geoff and Reader I agree 'Right person at local level and NOT political party is a must..


Paul quite rightly mentions 'Ulterior motives' and I personaly think at Parish level (at least) these self centered motives have no place whatsoever.


All to often the status of the 'Councillor' tag overrides the real reasons for pepole wanting to be elected or co-opted into a position.


I raise my hat (if I wore one) to anyone who actually gets off their backsides and actually does something or speaks out against issues which affect the communtity.


Many are all too happy to discuss issues when the needs suit them, appear to be interested when they are not, and who will happily sit back, do nothing, speak the relevant speel just so they can gain some undeserved credit along the way :wink: )


[ 28.01.2008, 21:54: Message edited by: Dismayed ]

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We are lucky over here, I know Geoff tells us what he has done but give him credit he does get his hands dirty by "really doing things" and not sitting around. I have never met the guy and although our political colours may differ he would get my vote when the time comes.

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Originally posted by Geoff Settle:

Thanks for your reply to my questionnaire reader much appreciated.


I thought that people didn't like too much paper coming through their door.


Don't worry I'll make sure that you get something.


There is still over a week to go (Thursday 7th Feb - Cinnamon Brow Farm) and there will be another in election in May for one Borough seat and all Parish Council seats so we don't want to over do it.


I've been running surgery's at the Farm and Padgate Library every fortnight so plenty of chance to see and talk to me and the team. :)


I know that you'll keep me on my toes. :D

Geoff could you explain why it is necessary to have the expense of an election now when there will be another one in May?

In Lymm they had four parish councillors resign recently but just co-opted two members of the public on board and left the other seats vacant until the elections in May.

Whatever the cost it seems an unnecessary one :confused:

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No problems Gary.


Whenever a seat becomes available, as you know, the voting public has the option of calling an election or not.


In the case of Mick Curran's old seat 10 or 12 or however many it is residents of the Cinnamon Brow ward got together and requested an election. They have every right to do so.


I did use the Freedom of Information Act to see the list but I'm not sure if I can disclose any more about it. I can't even remember who they where as I didn't think that I could take notes at the time.


Your points were made at the Parish meeting and I agree with you about the need for and the cost etc but by then it was too late.


I'm not sure how much the whole thing will cost but it is one thing that the Cinnamon Brow Tax payer could have done without.


The Poulton with Fearnhead Parish Council Tax however will NOT rise this year 2008/09.

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I think those who called an almost meaningless election should be named and shamed as I believe this to be a terrible misuse of tax payers money.

They should follow Lymm's example.

At Lymm one of those is totally independent and is enjoying the experience so much is considering standing as an independent at the next elections - and to be honest I believe at a parish level politics shouldn't even come into it!

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Originally posted by Geoff Settle:

Whenever a seat becomes available, as you know, the voting public has the option of calling an election or not.


How do you know if there is a vacancy on a PC ?


and if an election isn't called how do spare seats on Parish Councils get filled and

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Dissy writes

How do you know if there is a vacancy on a PC?


and if an election isn't called how do spare seats on Parish Councils get filled and

I'll answer as far as you've got and as I understand it.


For Parish Council seats:


As soon as a seat becomes vacant then the clerk notifies the Town Hall.


They then notify the public. There is then a set period of time for a group of people to get 10 signatures together and request an election.


If they do then notice is served - i.e. people can complete a nomination form signed by two people & the candidate - and if more than one person enters the contest an election goes ahead and a timetable is draw up.


If an election is NOT requested then it is up to the members of the Parish Council to co-opt someone.


[ 29.01.2008, 18:40: Message edited by: Geoff Settle ]

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Originally posted by Geoff Settle:

For Parish Council seats:


As soon as a seat becomes vacant then the clerk notifies the Town Hall.


They then notify the public. There is then a set period of time for a group of people to get 10 signatures together and request an election.

How do they notify the public? Is it by letter to each household or an announcement on a lamp post :wink:
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Can work that way, although sometimes a more dominant party might try and pull a fast one and co-opt one of their people instead if the vacancy was not caused one of theirs retiring. Sometimes a dominant party is happy to allow somebody else to be co-opted so they can shift the blame onto them when things go wrong. :wink:


Some Parish Councils are highly politically partisan even though they try and give the appearance of not being.


[ 29.01.2008, 20:48: Message edited by: Paul Kennedy ]

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