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Turkeys voting for Xmas.

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"Call me Dave" Cameron, has told the Turks that the UK will support them joining the EU. When asked by a reporter: "won't this compromise your cap on immigration, by allowing them free entry to the UK?" He replied: " as the economies of these countries equalise, the incentive for labour movement will dininish". So Dave; what happens in the period leading up to that "equalisation"; and which country has the most generous (up to now!) benefits system to attract them? :shock:

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Ithink you have it about right Obs, It could be that alot of UK students are doing Dance and modern music degree's which are as useful in the real world as a chocolate fire guard. While other countries are producing engineers and chemists. But our figures look good for how many graduates we have :wink:

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Absolutely no chance of a toga fitting Kyje, due to rectal sensitivity! :lol: The points system was a belated (after the horse had bolted) attempt of the last Labour Gov to re-engage with it's WWC core voters. They did nothing to sort out the estimated 1million illegals that have slipped in under the net, claiming spurious asylum, wasting ?millions in legal aid or cheating the system via wedding scams provided by bent Vicars. :twisted:

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I can live in hope Obs:wink:


With a rapidly ageing population, unless you and the BNP can do what Hitler did and make women stay at home and have babies immigration is going to be the only way in the long term, look at the stats on our ageing population if you don't beleive me, unless you have another way :!::?:

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Well actually you've hit on one answer: but Hitler didn't invent women staying at home. it was part of the culture of the time. In the UK, women were drawn into the workplace by the economic imperitives of two world wars. There is growing evidence supporting the idea of at least one parent being a housewife and bonding with their offspring, to bring up well balanced kids; reducing demand on state aided child dumping; the trauma of the work-life balancing act etc. Again, one has to ask - where are all these jobs for the 3 or so economically inactive? :?

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You don't have to force or even "suggest" anything, women are beginning to realise that you can't have it all, unless you can afford to buy in help, and some actually want to stay in the nest and bond with their sprogs. So all you need is generous tax and benefit allowances to encourage procreation within marriage. :wink:

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No ones "making" anyone "do" anything; all that's needed is for the tax/benefit system to provide lifestyle choices for women. As for employment - where are all these jobs for the elderly to be harnessed up to, when we've school leavers who can't get a job; plus over a million sick, lame and lazy who are being kicked off benefits; and folk still arriving here under lorries. The reality is, they're saving money we no longer have, which means cuts, which will increase poverty and probably crime. :cry:

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Britain has an ageing population due to the combination of a decline in birth rates and an increase in life expectancy. This situation will become more marked during the first three decades of this century when the post-Second World War baby boom generation will be retiring.


But the strongest force in this change is falling fertility rates. In the succeeding 'baby bust' generation of the 1970s and 1980s, birth rates fell below replacement levels in most advanced countries. The current birth rate in Britain is about 1.7 per woman but needs to be 2.1 to replace the existing population.


People in work pay for people that have retired, Their will not be enough people in work to pay for those that are not

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