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How To Do It


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What's this then, a Wenchy imigrant on board eh? who never had an urge. I once had an urge, but me Mam sorted that one out. <*)))))>{

You hold her hands behind her back Cap'n Asp, I'll give her lugholes a bit of a twist, Wolfie, you grab her legs, and we'll have her over the side. Fancy a bit o' Port do yer? :D:D <*)))))>{



As it was placed in the Jokes and Quizzes section and didn't end in a ?, you're probably on to something, Asp....



Should have gone to specsavers cock. :D:D:D

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I'm :? Lp. Why are you :shock: Did I say somthing :evil:


No, Wingy, it was your artistic fish logo that took my breath away for a moment there. Bowled over by your artistry, I was..... speechless in the face of such talent..... overawed.


You know how it is - us Wenchy immigrant types always go weak at the knees over feminine artistic nancy boys.... :twisted:

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  • 2 weeks later...

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Wingnut, excellent images of fish, very artistic!

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Dismayed, will this do?

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I wondered how long it would take someone to find out, but I never admitted to creating the artwork. Well done Eagle :wink:


Sorry Observer did not mean to mislead. If you would like to produce a image in ASCII format eg. type, dots, hyphens and lines etc, is to get a suitable image and using a desk top publishing software and using layers if possible, trace over the image using the characters and judgment to produce creative artwork, it is fiddly but satisfying.

This method has been used since the creation of the typewriter. :wink:

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