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I noted that on one of the comments about Mr Pachauri that he was likened to a senior member of a new terroist organisation; the global warming/cooling/climate change mob are no better than any other terrorists as they bring fear into peoples lives where there is no need.


The lot of them should be shot

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Baz you have hit the nail on the head. The governments of the world are not protecting their citizens, they are terrorising them. The AGW scam is just a method of keeping the plebs subjugated and maintaining a high standard of living for the ruling classes. Hang them all!! :evil::evil::evil::evil:

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Oh dear. Another scare-mongering nutter, alienating people with tall tales and horror stories. Don't they ever learn that it doesn't work well? Half the world believes it and panics, the other half objects to the bits that are obviously stupid and then any chance of sorting out the truth is gone because everyone's picked a side.


Send him to sit on a glacier and measure the melt over the next decade, then report back. 4000 people contributing to a report? 450 authors? No flaming wonder it was drivel! :evil:

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