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Sheer brilliance!!


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Baz Do you actually believe the Blair clone Cameron will be any better. A career potation who was born with a silver spoon. :roll:.... and you never changed it quickly enough!!


You sound just like my business partner Kije.... I don't expect Cameron to be any better. I expect Brown to be a lot worse. I don't expect Clegge at all.


I object to the fact that Labour have taken the people of this country for a ride. The people voted them in on the Bliar/Brown ticket (now please don't give me the crao that "we don't vote for personalities in this country; we vote for parties" because that just is not true) Tony Bliar lied at the last election when he said he was in it for the long term and would not stand down. He stood down and made way for the unelected Brown to take over. We were then fed the spiel about having a vote on the EU constitution and then after a few worrying months where other countries voted against it, it was swiftly renamed a "treaty" and as such we could not now have a vote on it because Brown knew it wouldn't just be voted against, it would be thrown out by the British people with such vigour that no matter how many re-votes he had it would never be voted for....


Brown was then so embarrased about having brought us to our knees in Europe that he went off and sneakily signed the treaty in a toilet somewhere in Brussels so the cameras couldn't see him.


The whole Labour government has ruined its honourable start with sleaze and back handidness and corruption at the highest level and just like in 1997 when Bliar first arrived on the scene, it is time for a change.


With regards to Cameron being rich, so what? are you jealous? why does it make any difference that he is a career politician? What do you think Brown is? Tony Benn? Frank Field? they are all in it for as long as they can be. Objecting to someone who is rich is no different to objecting to someone being a politician because he is black. A Black politician and a rich white politician each have their own agendas and their own outlook on things.


Personally, I reckon that whoever gets in, we are all in for a rough ride because even thouigh Brown reckoned we were the country in the best position to weather the recession, we are now the only country in Europe still in it.... another bit of miracle working by the Brown Blunder.


What kind of leader do you think we should have then? A poor one from a disfunctional home? A black one from 1960's immigrant stock? an Asian one who previously ran a take away in Bradford? does it really matter as long as the person chosen sticks by his commitment to the voters and doesn't change his mind without good explanation?


If you want a generally white, middle class university educated Englishman (not too posh, not too rich), maybe you are the one who should vote for Nick Griffin!

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Sheer brilliance? Surely not? It's juvenile nonsense and almost enough to make me vote for some other party. Almost, but not quite.

But I see nothing brilliant about the poster.


blimey Lucy.... who nicked your bloody sense of humour? It was a jokey post and you seem to have taken it the wrong way.... go and have a cup of tea and put your feet up for a while

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Article 3

The criterion on participation in the Exchange Rate mechanism of the European Monetary System

referred to in the third indent of Article 140(1) of the said Treaty shall mean that a Member State has

respected the normal fluctuation margins provided for by the exchange-rate mechanism on the

European Monetary System without severe tensions for at least the last two years before the

examination. In particular, the Member State shall not have devalued its currency's bilateral central rate

against the euro on its own initiative for the same period.



Dear oh dear. Would you agree with the above ?


That's the gobble de gook you were disappointed not to have a referendum on. What's the point ? It's meaningless to the average person.

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Alas, NOT meaningless in practise - the general thrust and intention of the Treaty, was/is to take us deeper into a "United" States of Europe, with greater powers being afforded to the centre with a consequent diminution of national sovereignty - a far cry from the original trading partership, which was the subject of our last referendum. :shock:

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Alas, NOT meaningless in practise - the general thrust and intention of the Treaty, was/is to take us deeper into a "United" States of Europe, with greater powers being afforded to the centre with a consequent diminution of national sovereignty - a far cry from the original trading partership, which was the subject of our last referendum. :shock:


Perhaps Stalinism is returning with an iron fist in a kid glove?

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